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The Dangers of Dust: Exacerbating Respiratory Diseases During Summer

Specialized doctors confirmed that dust is one of the problems that exacerbates during the summer, warning that it causes respiratory diseases, such as asthma and chest irritation.

They said that it has a greater effect on the elderly, children and allergy sufferers, calling for following preventive guidelines to avoid its risks.

Family medicine consultant, Dr. Adel Sajwani, stated that “dust causes coughing, coughing, asthma, and wheezing when breathing, and therefore it is necessary to see a doctor to obtain allergy medications. As for those who have breathing problems, they should go to the nearest emergency center.”

He stressed the need to avoid going out in open places during strong winds and dust, and to follow the instructions related to this atmosphere, such as covering the mouth and nose continuously, applying sunscreen, and making sure to close the windows when driving a car and using the air conditioner.

Pulmonologist Dr. Abdul Karim Nassar said that dust storms carry bacteria, fungi and viruses that threaten health.

He added that the elderly, children, allergy sufferers, and those with diseases such as asthma are the most vulnerable groups to health damage caused by sandstorms.

He pointed out that dust waves affect the respiratory system and patients who suffer from asthma or chronic bronchitis in particular, as coughing attacks, runny nose and sputum increase, resulting in shortness of breath.

He advised those with chronic diseases of the respiratory system and asthma patients to take treatment before symptoms, coughing and shortness of breath occur, to avoid going to the emergency room, pointing out that some cases cannot be controlled by breathing sprays, especially patients with severe asthma, as they need to visit the hospital in this time. The condition and taking appropriate treatment to reduce the severity of shortness of breath and reduce symptoms.

He stressed the importance of masks inside the home in reducing the amount of inhaled dust. He also called for drinking a quantity of water of not less than three liters per day, to maintain the hydration of the inner membrane of the airways, and reduce the severity of symptoms that afflict patients, as well as the use of air purifiers inside the house to reduce the effect of dust on breathing.

He pointed out that the health damage caused by dust storms during their occurrence and after their end is not limited to patients with the respiratory system, but its impact extends to healthy people as well, as large particles of sand or dust usually enter the eyes, nose and throat, causing inflammation and irritation, which explains the occurrence of coughing. Congestion in the nose and redness around the eyes. Also, small particles of dirt and dust that are inhaled enter the respiratory tract and settle in the lungs, which leads to breathing problems or chest pain.

Allergy and immunology specialist, Dr. Imad Arafa, confirmed that dust allergy is one of the most common causes of asthma in the Gulf region, due to the sand storms that are famous for, and this contributes to increasing allergies in many people.

He said, “For people who suffer from allergies or are allergic to mites or have asthma, pollutants such as mold, dust mites, and pet dander must be treated as harmful bacteria and viruses, because continuous exposure to them can affect their health and lead to mild allergy symptoms.” to severe, can be responsible for asthma attacks ».

For his part, pulmonologist Dr. Sandeep Barji confirmed that the summer season witnesses the chances of severe sand storms, which facilitates the arrival of very fine sand particles to the lungs, which can stimulate respiratory reactions.

He added that the most common symptoms are difficulty breathing, coughing and wheezing, calling for avoiding going out in hot and dusty weather, unless necessary, in which case it is preferable to wear a mask to protect against dust, and patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease must keep inhalers within reach at all times. .

2023-07-13 22:07:01

#Doctors #warn #dust #allergy #summer

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