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The Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle: Impact on Health & Remedies

Sedentaryism impacts health in multiple ways, many of which are not yet recognized. A sedentary lifestyle doubles the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and increases the risk of colon cancer, hypertension, osteoporosis, dyslipidemias, including depression and anxiety.


What diseases are caused by long hours spent in a chair, at the office or in the car?

  • Sitting for a long time causes back pain, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes and even depression.
  • Recent studies show a two-fold increase in the incidence of colon cancer caused by prolonged sitting. An article published in American Journal of Epidemiology says that sedentary lifestyle is as harmful as smoking.
  • People suffering from venous diseases of the lower limbs must be warned as a matter of priority regarding the risk of sudden death caused by sedentary lifestyle. Passengers on long, transatlantic flights can become victims of thromboembolic complications.
  • Prolonged standing, whether in a chair at the office or on the sofa in front of the TV or phone screen, increases the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (the formation of blood clots in the veins, potentially lethal). Specifically, prolonged standing reduces blood flow, especially in the lower limbs, favoring venous stasis, which in turn contributes to the formation of blood clots.

What are the known remedies for treating back pain?

  • Bed rest (lying down, with slightly bent knees) is recommended in case of back pain because this position reduces the pressure on the spine, has a relaxing role and can relieve the pain.
  • It is recommended to take anti-algesic and anti-inflammatory drugs with caution, the most innovative formula (“cyclooxygenase 2” inhibitors, having a low ulcerogenic effect).
  • The alternative to drug treatment is physical therapy. Low-frequency physical therapy procedures must be performed in specialized medical units, being effective against sedentary lifestyle.
  • The physical therapy recovery program aims to develop and maintain a muscle tone necessary for the effort of supporting the spine in a correct posture.

Learn about back pain: causes and treatment

The effects of sedentarism on health

A low physical activity or lack of any physical activity, all the more so as it is doubled by other risk factors (smoking, poor diet, etc.) favors, over time, the development of:

  • Heart diseases – such as hypertension, coronary heart disease and stroke.
  • Metabolic disorders – increase in the level of lipids (fats) in the blood and insulin resistance. Learn more about insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders – weakening of muscles, loss of bone mass and increased risk of osteoporosis.
  • Obesity – overweight being a major risk factor for the occurrence of chronic cardiovascular, osteo-articular diseases and other severe pathologies, as is the case with some types of cancer.
  • Depression and anxiety – sedentarism affects mental and emotional well-being in multiple ways, by decreasing the level of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, by increasing the level of stress that aggravates the symptoms of depression and anxiety, but also by decreasing self-esteem, favoring sleep disorders that worsen depression/anxiety and social isolation, which fuels sadness and frustration.

Physical activity, on the other hand, supports lung function, stimulates the digestive system and the immune system, contributes to a better quality of sleep, reduces stress, is associated with a longer life span and prevents cognitive decline.

Learn more about sports: an investment in brain health

Combating sedentary behaviors

The official recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) for combating sedentarism in adults without comorbidities, aged between 18 and 64, are:

  • Carrying out at least 150 – 300 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week (dance for example) OR
  • Carrying out at least 75 – 150 minutes of intense (vigorous) physical activity per week (playing a sport – basketball for example) OR
  • Combining the two types of physical activity.

For additional health benefits, WHO recommends adults:

  • Increasing moderate physical activity to over 300 minutes per week OR
  • Increasing intense (vigorous) physical activity to over 150 minutes per week OR
  • Combining the two types of physical activity.

If you have a chronic condition, are pregnant or face other health problems, talk to your doctor about the level and type of activity that is right for you.

Also, for the locomotor system, the WHO recommends stretching exercises of moderate and/or high intensity.

Any physical activity is better than none

At the same time, the limitation of the time spent standing is indicated. In order to reduce the effects of sedentary behavior, even light physical activities that “get us up” from the chair for a short time are encouraged.

It is important to integrate movement into daily routines:

  • Walk 5 minutes every 2 hours; for a start you can use notifications that warn you every 2 hours until you form a habit.
  • Flexions of the legs, rotations of the ankles or light pushes of the limbs above the head are movements that you can perform from time to time and when you are at the office.
  • If you watch TV programs, movies, during commercials, make a habit of getting up to take a few steps.
  • Try stretching or yoga while watching series or other long-running shows.
  • Do some lifting movements on your toes, for example, when preparing breakfast or while brushing your teeth.
  • When talking on the phone, don’t stay in the chair, get up, walk around or simply stay upright during conversations.
  • Use the stairs as often as possible, to the detriment of the elevators.
  • Get involved in activities that stimulate movement in your free time, a bike ride or a walk instead of going to a cafe, for example, choose an exhibition or a cultural event that allows you to move instead of going to the movies.
  • Use applications and devices that can help you monitor the time you spend sitting down and remind you to move more. Sometimes, such applications contribute to awareness of the level of sedentarism and make people responsible.

By investing in physical activity, we invest in health and give ourselves the chance to enjoy a longer, healthier and happier life.


2024-02-15 23:09:48
#diseases #sedentarism #combat #sedentary #behavior

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