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The creators of The Callisto Protocol have released the first patch for the PC version


After a long wait, one of the most anticipated horror games of 2022, The Callisto Protocol, is finally out. Unfortunately, however, it has turned out to be a technological nightmare on PC, where both gamers and critics have encountered terrible stuttering issues that make the game practically unplayable and spoil the flawless atmosphere of the game.

The stuttering issue in The Callisto Protocol is incredibly frustrating, but there is some good news: the developers of Striking Distance Studios have confirmed that it has already been released and an update is available to address this issue. Also, players can expect more updates and fixes in the future.

Thanks for your patience. A PC update is now available that fixes gameplay stuttering due to compiling shaders. After the update, you may experience a temporary stutter in the game menu when you first launch the application. We will continue to work on further optimization in the coming days.

In general, this first PC patch only fixes issues with compiling shaders in the game. There is less stuttering, but there are much more problems with optimization. So no, this patch won’t magically change the game. However, this is the first step in the right direction.

The Callisto protocol is now available for Xbox, PlayStation and Windows PC.

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