In the east of Slovakia, the couple enjoyed the lockdown in their own way.
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Even the lockdown did not stop the couple who were enjoying sexual “games” right at the bus stop in the Dargovské hrdiny housing estate in Košice. The pair were so absorbed in the act that they did not notice the passing cars, from which several people filmed and took pictures of intimate moments, according to Corsair.
The couple was interrupted only by the driver, who blew his horn and shouted supporting words at them. According to a recording published on the social network Facebook, it was only after the shout that the man got dressed and the couple stopped having sex. Discussants in the comments had fun with the couple, supporting him with the words that sometimes it comes to a person when he has nowhere to hide in privacy, but there have also been outrageous reactions.
The city police in Košice were not called to the case, but warned the adventurous couple that sexual intercourse in public could end in charges of rioting.
Even the state police did not intervene at the stop. “By checking at the individual district departments of the Police Force within the city, we did not find out from 1 January 2021 the receipt of a criminal report concerning acts of a sexual nature. Therefore, we are unable to provide information about any other bizarre sex-related events. “ police said.
According to the police, people tend to be tolerant if they come across a couple in intimate moments in a dark place, for example in a car. However, if the couple is encountered in public by the police, it is the duty of the men of the law to intervene and prevent the commission of a crime.
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