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The cheapest steak according to our grandmothers. When there was no money, they made it so big

Cutlets are one of the most popular dishes in our region. You can take them with you on the go or combine them with various side dishes such as potatoes or potato salad. If you want to enjoy them with the whole family, it currently requires a larger investment. So try to make them like our grandmothers did when they didn’t have enough money for meat.

Fake steaks for a few crowns

If you’re in the mood for some great steaks and don’t mind they’re not meaty, try buckwheat. In combination with eggs, you will find that this cheap and relatively easy option is also very tasty. This recipe is ideal for young and old, it will also be appreciated by vegetarians or people looking to reduce their consumption of meat without having to give up the great taste

Nutritious buckwheat

Buckwheat is a gluten-free cereal due to its properties. It has a slightly nutty flavor. It contains a significant amount of rutin, which has beneficial effects on blood vessels, supporting their elasticity. It brings positive benefits to our cardiovascular system. You can prepare it in a sweet or savory version.

False Schnitzel step by step

To prepare the fake cutlet you will need 2 cups of buckwheat, 2.5 cups of water, a small onion, rapeseed oil, carrots, 3 eggs, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper. Prepare the breadcrumbs for covering, if you intend to prepare a gluten free version, buy the gluten free one. Soak the buckwheat in water and cook until soft. Once done, let it cool. During that time, heat the oil and brown the finely chopped onion. Fry it for about three minutes. Add the finely grated carrot and continue until the onion is nice crisp.

Photo: Shutterstock

Once it’s back to buckwheat, break three eggs into it and start mixing with a hand blender. Sprinkle the fried carrots with onions, season with salt, pepper and garlic and mix again.

Make meatballs

Make meatballs with the mixture and pass them in breadcrumbs on both sides. Fry them on one side for about 4 minutes, then turn them over and repeat the process. Place the meatballs on an absorbent napkin to get rid of excess fat. Serve them with a creamy sauce. Just mix a cup of sour cream, a clove of garlic, salt and fresh herbs.

Photo: Shutterstock, source: Multidesign.com

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