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The bread you don’t have to give up if you want to lose weight

If you give up bread, you will definitely lose weight! That’s what most people think, but that’s not the case. It is also important what kind of bread you give up.

Low carb diet it is targeted by many people who want to lose weight. That means no bread, no pasta, no pretzels. And, of course, without sweets and juices, sources of refined / simple carbohydrates must be avoided.

But the bread it is not always a bad food – it is also the case with pasta. If it is in the composition whole grains, it is not mandatory to give up bread. On the contrary, it is even contraindicated to do this, because whole grains have a very important role.

Is it okay or not to give up bread? Find out the good and bad things that can happen if you give up bread.

Giving up bread does not help you get rid of body fat… at least in the first days

When you give up bread, you will notice in a very short time, in just a few days, that the needle of the scale looks less by a few hundred grams, maybe even a kilogram. But be careful! What you lose is actually water, not fat.

Each gram of carbohydrate in the body means 3-4 times its weight in water. Thus, when you give up bread – carbohydrates in general – the body begins to use glycogen stores, and that means lost water, explains dietitian Maria Spano.

All sorts of symptoms begin to appear

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the brain. When you give up on them, the brain begins to use up the reserves glycogen and, with their exhaustion, various problems arise.

The body is really starting to burn fat, but the so-called phenomenon appears ketosis – the body goes from sugar consumption to fat consumption to produce energy – characterized by: bad breath, dry mouth, fatigue, lethargy, muscle weaknessdizziness, nausea, brain foginsomnia.

At some point, the symptoms are less intense, but that does not mean that the body prefers this method of producing energy.

Blood sugar may drop, cravings may occur

Refined carbohydrates are known to increase glycemia to the sky, and then down it dangerously long. And this “glycemic roller coaster” activates certain areas of the brain that send the message “DESIRE”, according to a study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

If you choose to give up white bread, without who knows what nutritional values, congratulations, you have made the right choice. On the other hand, if you have completely excluded bread, including the one that contains whole grains, you better reconsider the decision. Whole grains are high in fiber, which helps keep your blood sugar within normal limits. So also to prevent cravings, says nutritionist Alex Caspero.

The risk of heart disease and diabetes increases. Or decrease…

It all depends on the type of bread you give up. For example, a study published in the journal PLOS OnIt shows that excess refined carbohydrates increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

On the other hand, according to the American Heart Association, whole grains – so complex carbohydrates – help to balance cholesterol levels and, consequently, you should not give them up, because they reduce the risk of heart disease, accident vascular cerebralobesity and diabetes.

So, the decision is easy to make: YES complex carbohydrates (bread made from 100% whole grains, with a minimum of 2-3 grams of fiber / portion), NOT simple carbohydrates (white flour bread).

You’re less energetic

Whole grains are an important source of iron, magnesium and B-complex vitamins, essential nutrients for maintaining energy.

If you give up whole grain bread, it is very possible to feel more tired, tired and without too much concentration. Instead, it is preferable to give up white bread, which does not bring you any nutritional intake, but only empty calories, explains dietitian Maria Spano.

In addition, lack of energy can affect you from another point of view. You have less resistance to exertion and, as a result, exercise is harder to do. This results in inefficient training and a longer period of time that you need to get rid of excess weight.

You may experience constipation

Bread and whole grain products are high in fiber which helps intestinal transit. In other words, they play an important role in preventing constipation.

If you give up on them, not only will you have them rarer and harder to remove stools, painful, but also the risk of experiencing hypoglycemia, high cholesterol levelsobesity and chronic disease is higher.

There is also the possibility of becoming irascible, because the brain loves carbohydrates – whether we are talking about refined or complex ones – and the production of serotonin it is reduced if you give them up completely.

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