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The Bitterness of a Sweets Selling Boy’s Life to Ever Be Pagged, Let’s Help


The face of Muh Ilham Al Qadry Jumakking (9) suddenly panicked, sad, and disappointed after some of the sweets he sold were forcibly taken by market thugs in Pannampu Village, Tallo District, Makassar City, South Sulawesi. This incident often occurs, when Ilham goes to sell his mother’s sweets at the market.

Seeing this, the mother, Sumarni reassured Ilham that sustenance must be replaced so that Ilham does not need to be too sad. To the beribaik.id team, Ilham admitted that he did not want to give up in continuing to sell sweets or sweets to help the family’s economy. Although unpleasant events like this often faced.

“Usually I help my mother make candy. Because there is no one to accompany my mother, I want to help,” said Ilham.

Ilham’s sincerity to help parents cannot be separated from the presence of Nayla, Ilham’s sister. Nayla is a child with special needs who has to be accompanied by her parents every day so that Sumarni has no choice but to stay at home, while Ilham goes to trade sweets.

In his spare time, Ilham also often accompanies Nayla and feeds her. Patiently, Ilham took care of Nayla, who sometimes moved erratically and was very active. Ilham also fosters hope that one day Nayla can be normal like children in general.

“If you can see, you can go to school, you can recover, you can learn, you can read. Let it be like inspiration. You can play, you can see, you can walk,” he continued steadily.

Ilham’s good intentions touched the hearts of his parents. Which mother is willing to see her child work so hard for the family, even if she admits that she has not been able to provide the best for her children, including the school uniforms that are worn and full of patches.

The home of Muh Ilham Al Qadry Jumakking (9), a boy selling sweets from Makassar, South Sulawesi. (Photo: beribaik.id)–

Sumarni also shed tears with her many limitations. However, he is grateful that he is still given life and health and sufficient sustenance. He saw that there were still many people around him who needed it more.

“Yes, we always look down. Thank God, we are still like this, there are still more at the bottom who are always grateful. Thank God if we can eat enough to meet the needs of the children, we are very grateful. There are still many people out there who still need it. out of the way so that we raise our hands, Alhamdulillah at home, the children can always be grateful to God with this, sometimes we are grateful,” said Sumarni, crying.

However, Sumarni saves her hope that one day her family will have a better life so that her children won’t have to go out to sell anymore. That hope can be realized by good friends with Donations right now here.

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See also ‘Abandoned by my husband, I am strong to support myself and my children’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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