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The best foods for people with diabetes

For patients with diabetes, diet can be an extremely important element in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. And while weight, stress, or physical activity also play a role in balancing blood sugar, eating a healthy diet is key to controlling blood sugar levels.

The best foods for regulating blood sugar

While some foods such as added sugars or refined carbohydrates can contribute to blood sugar fluctuationsothers can optimize its level.


With a higher fiber content, one serving of beans provides an important part of the daily carbohydrate requirement. It is rich in magnesium, potassium, but also in vegetable proteins and can be integrated into your favorite salads along with other vegetables.


Sardines and salmon are the best sources of healthy Omega-3 fats. Doctors recommend eating 300 grams of fatty fish per week.


Nuts are extremely rich in fiber and good fats, ensuring satiety quickly. It is also shown that a daily intake of 55 grams of nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds or cashews) significantly reduces the blood sugar level, as well as hemoglobin, an essential glycemic marker, in the case of patients with diabetes. type 2.


They have few calories, but a huge set of benefits, as follows: they contain fiber, vitamins and antioxidants necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Especially recommended are strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and currants.


Sweet potatoes contain more fiber than classic ones, but also a huge amount of vitamin A. They have a low glycemic index, so they can be consumed in many food combinations.


Oats are high in fiber, but they also contain varying proportions of magnesium, potassium, folic acid, or Omega-3 fatty acids. It is proven that oatmeal can help us control our blood sugar and cholesterol levels and, in some cases, even shed extra pounds.


Tomatoes, especially those from the garden, natural and unsprayed, are extremely healthy and contain a lot of lycopene, a precious antioxidant, but also vitamins such as E and C, or iron. And they have a notable contribution to blood sugar regulation, experts say.


Greek yogurt provides a good portion of the necessary calcium and vitamin D and has a big advantage: it can be consumed at any time of the day! Eating yogurt not only regulates blood sugar levels but also helps prevent diabetes.

Other important general advice for diabetic patients

  • lose weight and adopt a healthy lifestyle;
  • balanced diet, containing the foods listed above;
  • movement / the sport;
  • eliminate cigarettes, alcohol and sweets from the diet;
  • observing dietary bans (sugar and derivatives, excess bread, processed and sweetened dairy products, processed grains – biscuits, waffles, macaroni, etc.).

Sources: The sun, sanitary line

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