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The Benefits of Drinking Lots of Water: Truth or Myth?

Everyone says that you need to drink a lot of water to feel good: is this really true? Let’s see if they told us the truth.

From an early age we are taught that drinking lots of water can only do good. It hydrates the body and keeps us healthy. However, few delve deeper into the discussion to try to understand why it is helpful. But is it true, or is it just a rumor?

Why is it so important to drink lots of water? – Thewisemagazine.it

Basically we know that it is essential to drink lots of water, especially if you train or carry out intense activities during the day. The same nutritionists recommend maintaining the body’s water balance. We must not only drink water, but also eat foods that introduce it into our body through their assimilation.

Is drinking lots of water good for you? Apparently yes, but not for the reasons you think

Experts claim that an adult man weighing 80 kg must drink at least 2.4 liters of water a day. It’s essentially 12 glasses. An adult woman weighing 60 kg, always keeping in mind a calculated average, must drink approximately 1.8 liters of water per day. In this case we are talking about 9 glasses. Water consumption increases during the summer, period in which 20% more must be integrated.

You will be surprised by the benefits water gives us – Thewisemagazine.it

As a rule, everyone, both male and female, should drink 2.5 liters of water a day. It’s not just about staying hydrated, but also to eliminate liquids lost through urine, feces and sweat. You need to drink in small sips and at various times throughout the day, so as to even facilitate digestion. However, it is important to remember that you should not drink without the stimulus of dehydration so as not to exceed the limit.

Water provides quite significant benefits. Indeed lubricates joints and muscles, prevents oral dryness, improves skin healthregulates body temperature, maintains stable vision, manages blood pressure, eliminates body waste, helps you breathe better, prevents kidney damage, transports nutrients around the body, increases physical performance and helps you lose weight (not fat).

Drinking lots of water should not just be a habit, but rather a necessity that must always be satisfied. Taking the right amount of water, instead of other drinks, can only do good. So yes, it is true that drinking water is good for our body, and therefore those who do not do so are making a serious mistake.

2023-09-10 10:10:45
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