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the benefits of a popular vegetable – Ukraine – tsn.ua

This vegetable is well suited in salads, and therefore, in the summer, cucumbers are present in the diet of many people. Their benefits are great, but not everyone knows why these vegetables should be eaten every day. Read about it in the material TSN.ua.

cucumbers contain many nutrientsneeded by our body. They include: vitamin B, thiamine, riboflavin, fiber, vitamin K, vegetable protein, pantothenic acid, vitamin C, glucose, fats, potassium, manganese, calcium, magnesium, niacin, zinc, folic acid, vitamins B5 and B6.

As the publication writes Foodrfitness, in half a glass of chopped cucumber you can find 0.3 g of fiber, 1.9 g of carbohydrates, 0.3 g of vegetable protein. Therefore, it is enough to eat only one cucumber per day to fully saturate the body with the necessary substances.

How and when to eat cucumbers

Before you add cucumbers to your daily diet, you should pay attention to one feature: these vegetables help digest other foods. But they themselves take a long time to digest.

Remember to wash the cucumber thoroughly before eating. If you bought vegetables in a store or market, it is better to peel the hard skin. If you picked it in your garden and are sure that it has not been treated with chemicals, you can eat it with the peel. Moreover, doctors say that it contains the most vegetable protein and fiber.

It is not recommended to eat cucumbers immediately before going to bed. This is because they take a long time to digest. Better have a vegetable snack 20-30 minutes before lunch. Then your body will be satiated faster, and you will not overeat. Also, do not eat cucumbers before breakfast on an empty stomach. The potassium and magnesium in their composition can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Cucumbers: the benefits of popular vegetables

If to speak health benefits of cucumbersthen there are quite a lot of them:

  • vitamins A, B and C, which are part of them, increase the efficiency of the body and improve immunity;
  • cucumbers are able to make up for the lack of water in the body by 95%;
  • they contain magnesium, potassium and silicon, so they help improve the appearance of the skin;
  • this vegetable is rich in fiber, but there are very few calories in it, which makes it an ideal product for weight loss;
  • thanks to a special substance – sterol – cucumbers help control cholesterol levels;
  • the enzyme erepsin, which is found in cucumbers, can improve the digestive system;
  • with the help of water, toxins are removed from the body, and the blood is also cleansed;
  • cucumber juice is recommended for patients with stomach ulcers, gastritis;
  • this vegetable helps to maintain the level of uric acid in the body, so the kidneys remain healthy;
  • cucumbers control diabetes because they can lower cholesterol;
  • cucumbers contain the mineral silicon dioxide, thanks to which nails and hair look healthier;
  • thanks to these vegetables, you can monitor the health of the gums, and they also help get rid of headaches;
  • cucumbers can solve various skin problems, in particular, Dawood’s eczema;
  • they are used to eliminate bad breath – for this, a piece of cucumber is placed under the tongue;
  • due to the abundance of phosphorus, cucumbers maintain hormonal balance.

Five Reasons to Eat Cucumbers Every Day

  1. Hydration of the body It is very important to consume enough liquid, especially in the heat. However, not only drinks can become a source of water. Cucumbers are the perfect hydrating vegetables as they contain 95% water.
  2. These Vegetables Help Fight Acne – since they have a positive effect on digestion and deprive constipation, acne begins to disappear.
  3. Cucumber vs. cancer – they contain polyphenols and lignals, which help reduce the risk of getting sick with certain types of cancer. In particular, this applies to cervical and breast cancer.
  4. Slimming and weight loss – Due to the high amount of fiber and water, cucumber helps to control weight. And these vegetables take a long time to digest, so you stay full longer. However, it should be remembered that cucumbers should not be eaten on an empty stomach. Therefore, in the morning it is better to sprinkle them with a small amount of lemon juice.
  5. Ensuring Strong Bones due to the large amount of vitamin K, which is necessary for calcium to be better distributed in the body, daily consumption of cucumbers protects against bone fractures and even helps prevent osteoporosis.

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