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The Bad Egg and the freedom to be different | Culture

How did you find each other?

Regardless of the many guest musicians, The Bad Egg is my solo project. However, I see the project as a platform and playground for like-minded, experimental musicians whom I invite to collaborations.

I discovered Luana Jil by chance on Spotify. At this point I was in the middle of recording the third song on the EP “Interlude” and didn’t get to the point I wanted. To get some distance, I went for a walk.

The still raw song haunted my thoughts and I went through the individual passages again and again when I suddenly heard Luana’s imaginary voice sing along with it. It was then clear to me what was still missing from the song.

We didn’t know each other at the time, so I sent Luana a direct message on Instagram and promptly received an acceptance.

I discovered Dušan by chance on Soundcloud around the same time. I was impressed by his virtuoso bass playing, and since Dušan also lives in St.Gallen, we met spontaneously for a recording session. The bass on the song Interlude comes from that same session.

Rolf and I have known each other since we were young. We look back on countless projects, live and studio hours and always find each other for new ideas. After an 8-year break, I unexpectedly received an email from Rolf with a basic structure of drums, synths and samples under the motto “Make something out of it”. This was the hour of birth of the fourth song on the EP “How Dare You”.

How was it to record the songs? Was it difficult because you didn’t know each other before?

Imagine that. During the lockdown you overcome all boundaries with strangers and produce a work together. That was extremely exciting. Both interpersonal and technological.

To be honest, we were all surprised at how simple and natural it all felt. The collaboration was incredibly intuitive and free. Without expectations or specifications, everyone immediately found access and was able to develop.

Will you still exist as a band after the EP and the record are out?

I think the current cast of The Bad Egg can best be described as an “open relationship.” The composition is an absolute match. We move and on the same wavelength and harmonize great together.

Nevertheless, it is not a classic “fixed” band formation. But even if there is no firm bond, we will definitely continue to work together in one form or another in the future.

How was the harmony between you artists?

The time during the recordings was very harmonious and incredibly inspiring. Although we never met face to face, a special kind of familiarity developed. A very special moment for us was last Saturday’s photo shoot.

For the very first time, all participating musicians met in person. A mixed bunch of 20 to 60 years from completely different styles, all of which have something in common: enthusiasm for music and pure joy in experimentation.

Although a photo shoot requires a lot of concentration and is not the optimal environment for a first meeting, the atmosphere was fantastic. It was like meeting old friends again whom you hadn’t seen in a very, very long time.

What does your future look like together?
Rolf Bürgis: I have to ask my crystal ball …

Dušan Prusák: How the hell should I know?

Luana Jil Kälin: Who knows who knows. We are open to what is coming 🙂

Philipp Eggenberger: If this continues to be fun, then our future will look interesting 🙂

Will there be gigs from you as a band?

There will definitely be a record baptism that will take place on October 2nd in the Rohrschach staircase.

Why The Bad Egg?
As explained at the beginning, The Bad Egg is my solo project. The Bad Egg – the lazy egg or the black sheep stands for the freedom of being different, not having to adhere to genre conventions or having to follow the rules of the music industry.

The Bad Egg also alludes to my last name, of course: EGGenberger.

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