Home » today » World » The authorities of the self-proclaimed LPR reported shelling of an oil depot in the city of Rovenki; four people died, 11 were injured

The authorities of the self-proclaimed LPR reported shelling of an oil depot in the city of Rovenki; four people died, 11 were injured

Ukrainian military shelled an oil depot in the city of Rovenki on the territory of the LPR, reports the head of the self-proclaimed republic Leonid Pasechnik.

A fire has started on the territory of the oil depot; rescue services are working on the spot. Shortly after the explosion, Pasechnik said that at least one local resident was killed as a result of the attack, and six more people were injured – these are employees of the enterprise and those whose houses are nearby.

Later, the pro-Russian Minister of Health of the LPR Natalia Pashchenko told about three dead, and Pasechnik himself clarified information about the victims – eight people were injured. According to the head of the self-proclaimed LPR, the oil depot was allegedly attacked with missiles ATACMS. May 11, occupation head of Rovenok Andrey Rubantsov reported about four dead and 11 injured.

Videos of the consequences of the shelling are also published by local telegram channels and media – in particular, “Mash in Donbass”, «МЛНР LIVE» and controlled by the occupation authorities “LuganskInformCenter”.

Updated on May 10 at 23:10 and May 11 at 17:40. Information about new dead and wounded has been added, and therefore the news title has been changed.

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