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The Amazing Health and Medicinal Benefits of Onions: Natural Remedies and Treatments

Onion is a tonic, therapeutic and anti-infectious vegetable that has been consumed for thousands of years. This wonder vegetable should not be missing from our daily diet, having numerous health and longevity benefits.

During the cold season, onions can be a simple, but extremely effective method of protection. Whether it is white, red, yellow or green, onions are a versatile ingredient, used in various culinary preparations.

With great culinary value, onions can be eaten raw, boiled, baked, fried or dried. Although cooking can destroy some of the nutritional qualities, eating raw onions is recommended. For people with sensitive stomachs, onions can be soaked in olive oil overnight and then used in salads.

Onions have amazing medicinal qualities and can sometimes replace an entire pharmacy. It contains vitamins C, E, B6, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, sulfur, iodine, silicon and other beneficial compounds. It is also low in calories (100 g = 38 kcal) and helps burn fat. Regular consumption of onions can reduce the risk of heart disease, colds and rheumatism.

Properties and uses

Stimulant for the nervous system, liver and kidneys, with diuretic, expectorant, vermifuge, hypoglycemic, solvent and elimination of urea and chlorides, aphrodisiac, antiseptic and anti-infective, relieves pain, has anti-rheumatic effect and many others. It works as a natural antibiotic and fights intestinal worms. It has antisclerogenic and antithrombotic properties. It is beneficial for the health of the skin and hair. It is antitussive and emollient. It has a sedative, calming and slightly hypnotic effect.

Onion treatments

In addition to being used in traditional culinary preparations, onions can also be used as a natural remedy for various conditions:

Diarrhea: prepare a decoction of dry onion leaves and consume half a liter a day. Rheumatism and gout: drink an onion decoction in the amount of two cups a day. To prepare, boil two whole onions, skinned, in one and a half cups of water for 15 minutes. The decoction is drunk warm, sweetened or not, on an empty stomach. Insomnia: eat raw onions in the evening, before going to bed. Flu: prepare an onion maceration, of which one glass is consumed at lunch and one in the evening. Asthenia and intellectual overwork, gallstones: eat raw onions. Diabetes: take 10-15 drops of onion tincture per day. Frostbite, burns and warts: compresses with onion juice are applied to the affected area. For frostbite, you can also use baked onion – bake it in the oven until it softens and apply it to the affected area. Nervous Breakdowns: Inhaling a halved onion can stop a nervous breakdown. Cough: a syrup can be prepared from onion, sugar and water, which is consumed after boiling and passing through a sieve. Insect bites: onion juice obtained by grating the onion on a small grater can be used, massaging the affected area.

Source: batranete.com

Source: I love Transylvania

2023-08-12 05:30:00
#Discover #therapeutic #power #onions #Natural #treatments #conditions

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