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The 75th anniversary of Human Rights, in ‘Documentos TV’

‘Documentos TV’ premieres ’75 years, free and equal’ on the occasion of the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, approved by the UN General Assembly, in Paris, on December 10, 1948. The program analyzes the situation of human rights in the world and the international legal system for their protection.

’75 years, free and equal’

This year is its 75th anniversary and today it is as valid as then and as much or more necessary. He was born after the Second World War. “There had been the most atrocious forms of what people can do to themselves in terms of cruelty,” recalls Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. “It is a moment in which the international community of the time said enough is enough.” ”Adds Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International.

‘Documentos TV’ was at the International Court of Justice, the highest legal body of the UN, in charge of disputes between states. “The provisions of the Universal Declaration have become part of customary international law,” explains Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf, judge and former president of this court. “They are binding on everyone, so they must be respected by all States. And the use of force is prohibited by the UN Charter.”

Also in The Hague is the International Criminal Court, towards which all eyes turn, especially when wars and conflicts break out and the contenders blow up international laws. They have asked their chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, about the double standard when applying international legality. “Just because other people have committed crimes doesn’t mean you can commit crimes. In too many capitals of the world, international law tends to be considered an à la carte menu. That discredits international law. We must not give up,” he responds bluntly.

“The United Nations has been permeated by double standards from the beginning. And the only thing we can do is fight against double standards. We don’t want to destroy the system. We want to try to reduce and eliminate double standards,” adds William Schabas, professor of International Criminal Law and Human Rights Law.

’75 years, free and equal’ is produced entirely by RTVE, with script and production by Pilar Requena, image and sound by Óscar Nieto and Irene Martín.

2023-12-04 20:48:51
#75th #anniversary #Human #Rights #Documentos

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