Home » today » News » The 100-year-old taxpayer Bai Mitko welcomed the top of the Nationwide Income Company at his house – Agro Plovdiv – 2024-05-16 14:41:32

The 100-year-old taxpayer Bai Mitko welcomed the top of the Nationwide Income Company at his house – Agro Plovdiv – 2024-05-16 14:41:32

I’ve informed my kids and grandchildren: Taxes should be paid, Dimitar Kavkazov informed Rumen Spetsov, from whom he acquired an icon of St. Dimitar

“The best respect for me is that you’re right here. I thanks most heartily and want you to move my years.” With these phrases The 100-year-old taxpayer Dimitar Kavgazov welcomed the chief director of the NRA to his house Rumen Spetsovhis deputy Evgeni Nankov, the administrators of the Plovdiv territorial directorate – Plamen Georgiev and of the Smolyan workplace – Tanyo Karamanolov.

The administration staff from the income company visited the centenarian in his home within the Smolyan village of Slaveyno as an indication of appreciation and respect for the truth that, even at this age, bye Mitko, as he’s recognized within the village, continues to pay his taxes. Already within the first days of the tax marketing campaign for declaration of revenue, the aged man filed a tax return on the workplace of the Nationwide Income Company – Smolyan, declaring revenue acquired from forestry, accumulating wild herbs, mushrooms and fruits.

“You deserve nice respect as an trustworthy and conscientious taxpayer. I hope extra folks will hearken to you and take an instance from you”, stated Rumen Spetsov, after presenting a certificates for a worthy tax payer to Bai Mitko and gifting him with an icon of St. Dimitar to guard him. The centenarian defined to the CEO that he pays his taxes first, as quickly because the time comes. “When the New Yr passes, my household, I, we go to pay taxes first. Whenever you reside in a rustic you need to pay, there is no such thing as a means. I’ve additionally informed my kids and grandchildren – taxes should be paid,” stated 100-year-old Dimitar Kavgazov. He informed his company from the income company that he had been a forest employee for over 40 years and hundreds of cubes of wooden had handed via his palms, and he had additionally instilled the love of labor in his heirs.

#100yearold #taxpayer #Bai #Mitko #welcomed #Nationwide #Income #Company #house #Agro #Plovdiv

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