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Texas sends buses with dozens of migrants to Kamala Harris’ residence

California, United States.

Two buses with between 75 and one hundred migrants chartered by the governor of Texasthe Republican Greg Abbott, arrived this Thursday at the official residence of the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, The US media reported it.

The Fox News television network specified that the buses took the migrants in eagle passin Texasand arrived in the vicinity of the Naval Observatory, where the Vice President’s residence is located, in Washington DC.

According to Fox, the group of migrants includes people from Venezuela, Uruguay, Colombia and Mexico.

The arrival of these two buses in the American capital coincides with the expedition of fifty migrants, especially Venezuelans, on the exclusive island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, after being flown by plane Texas and Florida.

Los migrants, among which there are also some Colombians, who arrived with two planes that landed unexpectedly at the airport of Vineyard of Marta, which forced those responsible for emergency management on this island in the northeastern United States to mobilize to provide them health care, board and lodging, The Vineyard Gazette specified.

In a video sent to the Fox network, the Republican governor of Florida, Ron De Santistook credit for sending migrants to the island, noted the The times of Martha’s vineyard.

In 2021, De Santis promised to spend 8 million dollars to send immigrants out of state and pointed to Martha’s Vineyard as a possible destination.

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Last April Abbot announced its intention to send undocumented immigrants to Washington DC in response to the President’s government decision Joe Biden to revoke a health regulation that allowed epush them out from pandemic which was not started due to the freezing of the courts.

Later in May, the governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, also a Republican, emulated the measure and started sending buses with migrants to the capital.

In early August, the bus with migrants began to arrive in the city of New York and this month to Chicago. EFE

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