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Tesla stops supplying mobile charging cable with new vehicle – Image and sound – News

It’s going a bit far to say “all investigations” – there’s been quite a bit of parroting in the coverage of investigations. Just as it often seems that “petrolheads” have an interest in saying that EVs are so environmentally friendly, an entire industry has sprung up “around green”.

I don’t think anyone can deny that EVs are great for the local environment because they have no direct emissions.

But.. EVs are often pretended to be the bomb. They certainly aren’t. At best (and most likely) they are better than ICE. Depending on who you ask, different answers will come out. Some say after 18,000 km, some say after 40,000 km and you will also find people who say 125,000 or even 700,000 (!!). I’m not making that up, just look at it https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/…700000-km-groen-wat-flauw

However, if you are going to use an ICE as a benchmark, you are not very ambitious. In addition, the above article does indicate a (major) problem: We do not have much insight into how much energy, pollution and waste is involved in the mining of lithium, cobalt and battery production. People often make fun of the amount of CO2 that is produced to generate electricity. Biomass, coal, how green is our electricity really? Do you also include the crude fuel oil on which the boat sails to import that biomass from the other side of the world so that we can burn it here for so-called “CO2 neutral energy”?

I think an EV is cleaner. But it really doesn’t help the climate if you suddenly buy a much larger EV than you really need due to all kinds of subsidies and regulations. And that because of that fat Tesla you suddenly start doing things with the car that you can actually do differently, such as by bike or by public transport. Or move closer to work or work from home an extra day a week.

Sure, you don’t have a direct choice in many things, but one of the reasons why the climate agreement is never achieved and we never achieve all kinds of goals is because we don’t want to be hurt by the climate crisis at all. “Look at me doing a good job with an EV” while the reality is that if everyone in the world behaves like this, the world will go to the gallemies 10x faster.

All heat pumps, EVs and I know for the better: The CO2 footprint and your energy needs are certainly far too great for what the world can handle. Yes it’s better than it was, but if you really want to do something – you’re going to have to make unpopular choices. Consume less less less.

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