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Tesla, Japon, USA, Argentine, Cardano

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Here are the five new cryptos that caught our attention this week:

Tesla sends bullish signal to global companies
We learned this week that Tesla last month sold 10% of all Bitcoin holdings it bought earlier this year. The news sparked some fears in the cryptosphere, but Tesla CEO himself, the leading Elon Musk, clarified in a tweet: “Tesla sold 10% of its holdings basically to prove Bitcoin’s liquidity as an alternative. to the holding of cash in its treasury “. Tesla’s CFO put a second layer on this, saying, “We believe in the long-term value of Bitcoin. So we intend to hold on to what we have and continue to accumulate bitcoin through our transactions. customers who buy vehicles. “

Gaming giant Nexon spends $ 100 million on Bitcoin
The Asian video game giant, Nexon (which belongs to a trading empire that also includes the Korbit and Bitstamp crypto exchanges) bought 1,717 bitcoins or roughly $ 100 million, with an average purchase price of $ 58,226. This purchase represents less than 2% of Nexon’s total cash flow. The CEO of the company said: “Bitcoin offers long-term stability and liquidity while maintaining the value of our liquidity for future investments”. We can bet that the example of Nexon will inspire other giants on the Asian continent.

A committee would push Washington to strengthen regulation on exchanges
In the United States, an organization whose role would be to advise the United States government to increase the level of surveillance of cryptocurrency exchanges would have emerged. It would be accompanied by new KYC and anti-money laundering measures. The name of this entity? The “Ransomware Task Force“. It is an organization made up of FBI agents and experts in cybercrime and cyber risks.” Much more can be done to limit the abuse of these rather amazing technologies “warned Philip Reiner, the director general of the Institute for Security and Technology.

Argentina’s central bank collects data on crypto transactions
Direction South America. The central bank ofArgentine this week asked commercial banks across the country to hand over data on transactions made by clients they believe to be crypto traders. The witch hunt is therefore open. The institution has also asked companies in the fintech sector to do the same. The move is a precursor to industry regulation in Argentina, a country with around two million cryptocurrency users for 45 million people.

The blockchain contract of the century for Cardano (ADA)
We end with a piece of news about Cardano. Our colleagues from Cryptonaute relayed the information that the company had signed a partnership with the Ethiopian authorities. According to IOHK, the company that manages Caradano, this is the largest deployment to date in the world. Concretely, the project plans to use the Cardano blockchain to deploy an identity management solution in all schools in Ethiopia. This would concern 3,500 schools and five million students.

Here are the 5 crypto news of the week in video:


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To generate interest with your bitcoins, go to the BlockFi website

To secure or store your cryptocurrencies, get the Ledger or Trezor wallets

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To accumulate crypto while playing:

  • In poker on the CoinPoker gaming platform
  • To world fantasy football on the Sorare platform

If you want to learn more about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency investing, here are two perfect books: “Understanding Bitcoin in 2hrs” and “Investing in Bitcoin”.

Watch the last video “The 5 crypto news of the week”:



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