Home » today » Business » Terrible things have been found in eggs. Domestic ones turned out to be the worst, people do not understand at all, all the weather is bad

Terrible things have been found in eggs. Domestic ones turned out to be the worst, people do not understand at all, all the weather is bad

The eggs have regained their lost glory in recent years. While before they were a bit doubted, today they are an integral part of Czech cuisine. Again, people eat them every day and it is recommended to them. After all, according to some opinions, eggs are among the superfoods.

Appearances can be deceptive

But as it seems, now the clouds are gathering over them again. It is a rather complicated matter, where eggs obtained more or less industrially and domestic eggs are also divided. Virtually everyone, if they have the opportunity, looks for eggs from small domestic farms, because they consider them the best. In contrast, cage-free eggs received very negative publicity some time ago.

It is therefore not surprising that when domestic or farmed eggs appear somewhere, they are immediately dusted off. And the fact that you often pay multiples for them of what you pay for store-bought eggs doesn’t change a thing. The price of a piece can reach ten crowns. But are they really that great?

The truth is that homemade eggs have a more natural, rich color and taste better at the same time. There can be no discussion on this. However, we cannot recognize some things with our eyes or taste buds alone. And it is precisely on them that scientists in Australia have focused.

They have turned their attention to these domesticated breeds, only to later have to state that things are definitely not as rosy as they first seem. It turned out that these are mainly domestic and small-scale farms in whose production most of the lead is found. On average, domestic eggs contained 40 times more lead than those from large commercial farms.

Photo: Shutterstock

The place of breeding is important

These were not isolated cases. A problematic result was noted in fifty percent of the samples. This number has exceeded the allowable amount of lead, which is 100 milligrams. And in some cases it has really happened to a great extent.

We can say that this is an Australian research that does not concern us. It wouldn’t be entirely true. This problem can also affect Czech breeds. It turns out that the source of the problems is hidden in the country. The worst results were recorded where the hens lived around older houses built with high lead content materials and paints. These then entered the soil, then the hens and finally their eggs.

If you take eggs from home farms and don’t allow them, it’s not a bad idea to find out what kind of environment the chickens live in. That might be fine, but you might find something creepy.

Photo: Shutterstock, source: The conversation

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