Home » today » Entertainment » Tereza Ramba heads to cinemas within the Alcoholic Pocket book – Information

Tereza Ramba heads to cinemas within the Alcoholic Pocket book – Information

The movie tells about the primary character’s dependancy to alcohol, which she fell into when she was on maternity depart. He solves tight household ties with him, from which he can not get out. It was filmed a 12 months in the past in Central Bohemia and Ústí Area, amongst others in Dobřichovice and Mnetěš. Together with Ramba, viewers will see Miloslav König in her, who performs her husband.

“Everyone knows that alcohol is an issue, but additionally that it’s good, and for a very long time. Within the Pocket book, we attempt to present the restrict the place it already represents a risk, a hazard. For a very long time you consider that you’re okay, that you may deal with all the pieces. You damage everybody. As a result of with alcohol normally comes a lie. When you fall into dependancy, you deceive your self, you deceive others. And these lies are utterly private. That is why I took the position in such a method that my character believes nearly till the top that nothing is going on,” she beforehand advised Novinky Ramba.

At a sure level, she had to surrender her hair to undergo the mandatory transformation with the character. “I did not wish to, however I felt it was vital. Dan is an incredible chief. He would not push you, however mainly he at all times will get what he needs. I used to be blissful that my hair had lastly grown again, however on the similar time, work is extra vital to me than wanting good, perhaps that is clear,” mentioned the actress.

The movie will enter Czech cinemas on July 11.

Tereza Ramba: Everyone knows that alcohol is an issue. A lie normally comes with it


REPORT: Alcohol pocket book. Tereza Ramba is the star


2024-05-23 03:21:00

#Tereza #Ramba #heads #cinemas #Alcoholic #Pocket book #Information

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