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Tennis: world primary in Geneva this Wednesday

Novak Djokovic will probably be on the courts of Eaux-Vives this Wednesday for the Geneva Open.

The world no 1 will face Germany’s Hanfmann within the spherical of 16 on the Gonet Geneva Open. It’s a main occasion for an ATP 250 event that would boast that 3 of the 4 gamers have been from the “massive 4” (the 4 gamers who dominated the 2000s and 2010s on the world tour): Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray (who attended this yr however has already been eradicated). Solely Rafael Nadal has by no means participated within the Geneva Open.

Djoko in final 8 instances

Novak Djokovic will face Germany’s Hanfmann late this afternoon in Geneva. Yannick Hanfmann took out Andy Murray and thus eliminated Geneva from a conflict between Djokovic/Muire for these 8 finals. Additionally on this system: Casper Ruud meets the Austrian Ofner whereas Taylor Fritz meets one other American: Michelsen. In Tuesday’s determination, David Goffin was knocked out by the American Moreno de Alboran. It is also over for Ben Shelton in Geneva.

Extra than simply qualifying Haut-Savoyyard at Roland Garros

As for qualifying for Roland Garros, Haut-Savoyard Kyrian Jacquet is eradicated. He misplaced on Tuesday in opposition to Tunisia’s Dougaz. The opposite Haut-Savoyard in these {qualifications}, Ugo Blanchet, has a gathering with Austrian Misolic this Wednesday afternoon for his second spherical.

2024-05-22 05:50:43
#Tennis #world #quantity #Geneva #Wednesday

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