Home » today » World » Tempi: Why the investigation into “leaks” and editing is being upgraded – 2024-04-27 05:55:51

Tempi: Why the investigation into “leaks” and editing is being upgraded – 2024-04-27 05:55:51

The judicial authorities had requested that the investigation into the “leaking” of the conversations of the Tempe tragedy be characterized as particularly serious and urgent, already seven days before the publication of “Sunday step” for the “editing”! Specifically, as it appears now, the Athens Prosecutor’s Office from March 16, 2024 (and while the sheet of the newspaper with the revealing article was released on March 24) he had interfered with EL.AS services. – who had…forgotten until then the relevant file – in order to speed up and expand the investigation into the illegal seizure of the conversations from the OSE recording system. It is recalled that the investigation was initiated based on earlier related complaints by railway workers. However, government officials argued, just a few 24 hours after this judicial intervention, that the relevant publication, which highlighted the same issue, is… “false and serves political expediency”.

It is recalled that on the fateful evening of February 28, 2023, a few hours after the fatal collision of the two trains at the “Evangelismos” station, in Tempi, the records of the conversations of the railwaymen “came out” from the two recording systems of the OSE in Athens, Larissa. And a few hours later, parts of them were broadcast edited, by media. “To Vima” found and highlighted the fact, while a week later it also revealed the extra-judicial letter that had been sent, as early as March 2023, by OSE trade unionists regarding the premature removal of the same audios (a few days later the managing director also admitted it of OSE, Panagiotis Terezakis), when an investigation was ordered by the Athens Prosecutor’s Office. However, along the way the file seems to have been lost – for months – in court offices, without being searched for.

Government officials argued, just a few 24 hours after this judicial intervention, that the relevant publication, which highlighted the same issue, is… “false and serves political expediency”

Finally, the relevant order reached the Security Department of Ampelokipi at the end of January 2024 (with a delay of nine months), which, however, had no relevant authority, since there was no OSE installation in its area of ​​supervision. The file was then handed over to the Omonia Security Department on March 13, 2024, and three days later the District Attorney, Nikos Karachalios, asked to take the form of urgency and to be expanded. Among other things, the prosecutor Karahalios, under whose supervision the preliminary examination is being conducted, requested that it be established:

  1. Who had access to the file in question?
  2. Which persons entered the offices of the Organization in the first hours after the fatal train accident.
  3. If there is a record of their entry in the relevant books of the service.
  4. To request whether there is a conclusion of the Organization’s internal audit on the “leaking” of the recorded conversations.

Request for deposits as well

In addition, he requested that statements be taken from employees who had access to the electronic file and that it be investigated whether there was – as Mr. Terezakis has already argued – the specific digital file sent by mail to OSE managers. The target; In the second phase, to identify – if possible – who finally did the relevant “stitching” of conversations between train drivers of different trains.

Now the case file has been in the Omonia Security Department since last Tuesday, April 16, which is called – together with the hundreds of incidents of thefts, burglaries, etc. that he handles every day – with the… minimal means available to him and his insufficient staff to investigate this very complex case as well. And to provide answers to so many critical questions that have arisen regarding the biggest railway tragedy in our country.

Supreme Court Prosecutor’s Office

Disciplinary investigation against the background of “bazoma”

The investigation into the so-called “bazoma” of the site of the railway tragedy takes on new dimensions after the order for the conduct of a disciplinary investigation requested by the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Georgia Adelini. It concerns the District Attorney, who recently issued a ruling dismissing the lawsuit filed by relatives of victims in Tempe. In this specific lawsuit, the relatives pointed to the deputy minister as a possible person responsible, instead of the Prime Minister, Christos Triandopoulos, on whom the relevant interest seems to be focused again. And all this after the denials of the Fire Service, EL.AS officials. and the Civil Protection services that they had given the relevant order. Mr. Triandopoulos, to whom “To Vima” addressed, still does not answer relevant questions that have been put to him.

#Tempi #investigation #leaks #editing #upgraded

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