Home » today » Health » Take care of your oral hygiene during pregnancy! Caries, periodontal disease, gum cancer are careful to influence the health of the fetus through the blood | Health 2.0

Take care of your oral hygiene during pregnancy! Caries, periodontal disease, gum cancer are careful to influence the health of the fetus through the blood | Health 2.0

As they say: “If you have a baby, you lose a tooth.” During pregnancy, the chance of tooth decay increases dramatically for moms, and there can also be problems like periodontal disease, gingivitis, and gum cancer. If the inflammatory substances affect the fetus through the blood, they can cause premature birth and underweight babies. Doctors remember that pregnant women can use smaller heads if they are afraid to vomit after brushing their teeth and should pay more attention to care. dentists during pregnancy.

Doctor Chen Yaqi of the Taipei Department of Periodontology Rong said that morning sickness will make the oral environment acidic, along with increased meal frequency or neglect of oral hygiene due to fatigue, can worsen leading to pulpitis. Additionally, pregnant women are more sensitive to plaque stimulation due to hormonal changes in the body and rich blood circulation, which can cause inflammation of the gums, gum cancer, and even periodontal disease where the bone around the teeth is destroyed.

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The pregnant woman with gum cancer came back when she was pregnant with the 2nd pregnancy

When Ms. Wang was 6 months pregnant with her first child, her left gum developed a tumor that bleeds when touched. After seeking medical attention, her symptoms improved after oral hygiene education and local cleansing. At the 30th week of the fetus, the same area of ​​the upper left tooth recurred again and the doctor’s examination determined that it was “gum cancer in pregnancy”.

Gingivitis in pregnancy and gum cancer should not be overlooked, affect chewing and should be removed

Chen Yaqi said that common gingivitis in pregnancy occurs in 30-100% of cases, including swollen gums and bleeding from tooth brushing. Gum cancer in pregnancy is a granuloma formed by severe inflammation caused by the accumulation of dental plaque and tartar. Packed with blood vessels, it is easy to bleed and when you chew or brush your teeth, it will hurt and bleed if you accidentally touch it. During pregnancy, if the gum cancer grows rapidly and involves chewing, it may be necessary to remove it before giving birth. 15%.

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Pregnant women with periodontal disease increase the chances of premature birth

She reminded pregnant women that if their gums are red, swollen and inflamed, they are concerned that brushing their teeth will cause bleeding and discomfort and they don’t dare to brush their teeth thoroughly, which can lead to more inflammation of the gums, and even in cases more severe bone resorption around the teeth and shaking of the teeth can occur, resulting in pregnancy-induced periodontitis. If you have severe periodontal disease during pregnancy, the inflammatory substances produced affect the fetus through the blood and can also increase the chance of premature birth and low birth weight. Pregnant women are recommended to brush their teeth thoroughly and floss interdental A smaller head can be used to prevent oral infections.

Pregnancy should pay attention to dental care

Shi Wenyu, director of children’s dentistry, recalled that women should not only take care of their bodies, but also take care of their teeth as they prepare for pregnancy. Pregnant women can consume more milk, cheese, yogurt and broccoli containing calcium; meat, milk and cereals containing phosphorus; salmon, tuna, moderate sun exposure, etc., containing vitamin D, as well as proteins, such as soybeans, fish, meat, etc. nutrients. Also, tetracyclines antibiotics can cause the baby’s teeth to stain and should be avoided. Studies have also shown that pregnant women who take fluoride cannot effectively improve tooth quality, nor reduce tooth decay, so it is not recommended.

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◎ Image source / Provided by Dazhi Image / shutterstock
◎ Source / Taipei Veterans General Hospital

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Take care of your oral hygiene during pregnancy! Caries, periodontal disease, gum cancer carefully affect the health of the fetus through the blood

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