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take advantage of the incentives, there are many

Itinerary – pixabay photo – horizonnergia.it

Boiler bonus: will it really be a happy Christmas for Europe?

Bonus boilers candles
Candles – photo pixabay – oznergia.it

Basically heating your own apartment, in this one December of 2022it is a difficult undertaking if you want to be able to maintain the state of your finances unchanged. The rosiest of scenarios foresees that within a few years we will be able to complete the transition to the so-called “energy alternative“, an essential step for the conversion to sustainability.

The problem that immediately arose with the stop to gas supplies was the sudden growth in market demand for pellet stoves and wood in general. This phenomenon is decidedly in contrast with the vaunted environmentalist visions of European policies: more firewood equals more trees to cut down.

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In addition to the growth in the demand for pellet and wood stoves, the price of these basic necessities for the winter, as well as fuel, gas and methane, have simultaneously increased. Beyond the plausible or less conspiracy theories and supposed market maneuvers implemented, one thing is certain: this winter will be cold for our wallets.

How did the Italian government react to the situation? There are many Italian families who are unable to bear the weight of the bills at the end of the month because one thing is certain, similar prices have never been seen before on gas and electricity. There are ad hoc bonuses and incentives to deal with burdensome situation.

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In addition to the energy bonus proposed byEuropean Union and translated into Italy in the famous 150 euros to be deducted from the bill, there are tax breaks for those who want to buy latest generation appliances, therefore more respectful of the environment. Today we’re talking, on the threshold of winter, about the bonus provided for the installation of wood stoves and pellet boilers.

Tax breaks divided by regions

The tax benefits in question provide for a reduction up to 65% of the total of the expense to be incurred for the replacement of your system with a new appliance. In addition to the bonus just mentioned, there are calls for tenders for which it is possible to apply for the regions of Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna and all the rest of Italy.

For some regions, in compliance with the specific tenders, it is possible to cover the total expenditure required up to 100% thanks to the extra support. The costs must be directed to the construction of the new heating system. Then there is the Home Bonus to consider, addressed respectively to private homes and condominiums.

The aforementioned provides for a deduction of 50% from expenses in the case of installing a biomass heat generator, an eco-friendly system that is advantageous for the environment. Finally, there is the bonus dedicated to companies, it is a white certificate aimed at replacing or installing from scratch thermal energy systems from renewable sources, such as photovoltaic systems.

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