Former Twitter Employee Sues X Corp for Breach of Contract After Elon Musk Acquisition

Former Twitter Employee Sues X Corp for Breach of Contract After Elon Musk Acquisition

Jakarta – Social media platform X (formerly Twitter) breached its contract by failing to pay millions of dollars in bonuses that the company, now called Mark Schobinger, who was X’s senior director of compensation before leaving Elon Musk’s company in May, sued X Corp in June for breach of contract. In the lawsuit, Schobinger revealed … Read more

The Controversial Change: Elon Musk’s New Twitter Logo Debate

The Controversial Change: Elon Musk’s New Twitter Logo Debate

Elon Musk’s decision to change Twitter’s logo from the iconic blue bird to ⁤an X has sparked mixed reactions among netizens. Some see ‌it as a necessary and welcome​ step, while others believe ‌there was no need to kill⁣ off the iconic blue bird. Despite the various‍ opinions ⁤expressed by netizens, the change is⁢ underway, … Read more