At the festival of cultural experiences “From ART’ist to Me(n)talist” – quality and creative time for young people

At the festival of cultural experiences “From ART’ist to Me(n)talist” – quality and creative time for young people

The long-awaited first festival of cultural experiences for young people “From ART’ist to Me(n)talist” opened in Alytus! This is also the first event of this scale for the Alytus Jurgis Kunčinas public library, which has been actively preparing for this bustling event for several months: from the presentation of the “Reader’s Passport” to schoolchildren to … Read more

In Lazdija, students surprised with their business ideas

In Lazdija, students surprised with their business ideas

Children studying in Dzūkija schools have the opportunity to test themselves in the business environment while still sitting at school, and they can present their ideas at the eXpo of young companies in the Dzūkija region held every spring. Such school fairs are being held in the Alytus region for the ninth time. For the … Read more