Breaking news… ‘Cübbeli Ahmet’ was summoned to express! The claim that ‘Salafi associations are getting armed’ …

Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office is in public “Cübbeli Ahmet Known as “Hodja” Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü‘Nude in a television program “in the vicinity of 2 thousand pro-Turkey association’s arms as his predecessor,” he has launched an investigation into allegations shaped. The prosecutor called Ahmet Mahmut Ünlü for a statement to seek his knowledge. Ahmet Mahmut … Read more

Matías Defederico and an unexpected phrase about Cinthia Fernández: are they coming back?

It seems that little by little everything was improving between them and the athlete demonstrated it in an interview with Paparazzi, where despite the fact that he clarified that he does not feel desires or imagines returning with her, they managed to be much better. “Today we send messages to each other because of the … Read more