Heartfelt Conversation with Musician Juri Kulakova Revealed by Puntulis: “Something Very Special”

Heartfelt Conversation with Musician Juri Kulakova Revealed by Puntulis: “Something Very Special”

When asked about the last time he had the most heartfelt conversation about life with the musician Juri Kulakova, Puntulis tells the host Inese Vaikule: “Almost three years ago. Then, when Yuri had such very serious health problems, I visited Yuri at his house, and I was blown away afterwards and told everyone close to … Read more

Latvian Composer Kulakov’s Struggle for Recognition and Repression Under the Ministry of Culture

Latvian Composer Kulakov’s Struggle for Recognition and Repression Under the Ministry of Culture

Repression was directed against the composer, it was impossible for him to find a job in the system of the Ministry of Culture, he was even advised to emigrate abroad. The LVK did not allow Kulakov to take the state exam, he received a diploma with a statement that he had attended a full theoretical … Read more