Gálvez proposes that governors return to state health systems

Gálvez proposes that governors return to state health systems

Celaya. When presenting the axes of her health plan, the presidential candidate of the Force and Heart for Mexico coalition (PAN, PRI and PRD), Xóchitl Gálvez, spoke out in favor of all the country’s governors assuming the state system, which would imply renounce the federalization of the sector that the federal government launched with the … Read more

Sheinbaum to BBVA: Mexico, in a very good economic moment

Sheinbaum to BBVA: Mexico, in a very good economic moment

Mexico City. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, candidate of the Let’s Keep Making History coalition (Morena, PVEM and PT) for the Presidency of the Republic, considered that in electoral matters only the process of June 2 is missing. This after at the 2024 National Meeting of Regional Directors of BBVA Mexico, the moderator asked him if Has … Read more

In electoral matters, only “the process is missing on June 2”: Sheinbaum

In electoral matters, only “the process is missing on June 2”: Sheinbaum

Mexico City. Claudia Sheinbaum, candidate of the Let’s Keep Making History coalition (Morena, PVEM and PT) for the presidency of the Republic, considered that in electoral matters only “the process is missing on June 2.” This after at the 2024 National Meeting of Regional Advisors of BBVA México, the moderator asked him if “has the … Read more

Despicable use of the tragedy’s ‘Prian’ in L12: Sheinbaum

Despicable use of the tragedy’s ‘Prian’ in L12: Sheinbaum

Campeche, Camp. On September 1, Claudia Sheinbaum, presidential candidate of the Let’s Keep Making History coalition, will accompany President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to his last Government Report in the capital’s Zócalo, as elected president or as citizen, said. And from Campeche, a state with an oil vocation, he offered to continue supporting the rescue … Read more

INE approves placing signs in polling stations on June 2

INE approves placing signs in polling stations on June 2

The General Council of the National Electoral Institute (INE) approved placing a poster in the voting booths on June 2 with the legend “Vote freely and secretly on Election Day,” at the proposal of the PRD. The objective, the counselors explained, is to promote suffrage “freely and secretly”; However, the color of the poster remained … Read more

Mexico’s economic model “is working”: Sheinbaum

Mexico’s economic model “is working”: Sheinbaum

Mexico City. The candidate of the Let’s keep making history coalition, Claudia Sheinbaum, said that Latin America’s second economy has “a model that is working,” in an interview with AFP. Sheinbaum highlighted the “political stability and commercial openness” that Mexico offers investors, a country whose GDP grew 3.9% in 2022 and 3.2% last year, and … Read more

Sheinbaum presents project to reduce poverty and inequality

Sheinbaum presents project to reduce poverty and inequality

Tuxpan, Ver. Claudia Sheinbaum, presidential candidate of the Let’s keep making history coalition, presented her project for the reduction of poverty and inequality, which proposes that 7.5 million people escape extreme poverty in the country. The proposal is that by 2030, multidimensional extreme poverty will remain below two percent, with the combined effect of welfare … Read more

Lift 7.5 million out of extreme poverty in 6 years, Sheinbaum’s goal

Lift 7.5 million out of extreme poverty in 6 years, Sheinbaum’s goal

Tuxpan, Ver. Claudia Sheinbaum, presidential candidate for Morena, PT and PVEM, stated that her goal for 2030 is to lift 7.5 million people out of extreme poverty. When presenting the thematic axis of social rights, well-being and reduction of inequality, she stated that the idea is that there be no extreme poverty in the country … Read more

The Spanish left expresses its support for Sheinbaum

The Spanish left expresses its support for Sheinbaum

Madrid. The entire Spanish left expressed its unwavering support for the candidacy led by Claudia Sheinbaum and the transformation movement embodied in the 4T, which they set as an example to follow in Spain, Latin America and the rest of the world. One of the most explicit supports was that of the secretary of international … Read more

First presidential debate cost 12.7 million pesos: INE

First presidential debate cost 12.7 million pesos: INE

The first presidential debate, held on April 7, cost 12.7 million pesos and was watched by 13.7 million people, the largest audience in the history of these events, mainly women and those over 55 years of age, said the counselor. Carla Humphrey, president of the Temporary Debates Commission of the National Electoral Institute. He presented … Read more