Javier Milei, entre la Ley Bases, la presentación de su libro y la motosierra | La agenda del ajuste

Javier Milei, entre la Ley Bases, la presentación de su libro y la motosierra | La agenda del ajuste

In a recent turn of events at the Feria del Libro in La Rural, President Milei found himself at the center of controversy as he claimed to be a⁢ victim of hostility and blamed the Kirchnerism for ⁤the situation. His team even‌ suggested that there​ were security concerns and a deliberate sabotage of his presentation … Read more

El discurso de Cristina Kirchner hoy en Quilmes | La reaparición de la expresidenta

El discurso de Cristina Kirchner hoy en Quilmes | La reaparición de la expresidenta

The anticipation is building as former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner prepares to make her first public appearance ⁢since the rise of Javier Milei.​ The stage is⁣ set in Quilmes Oeste for the inauguration of the “President Néstor ‍Kirchner”‍ microstadium, scheduled for 4:00 PM. This event marks a significant moment as Cristina ⁢addresses the current … Read more

Despidos masivos en Argentina: UPCN presenta acción judicial colectiva

Despidos masivos en Argentina: UPCN presenta acción judicial colectiva

Reimagining the⁤ Role ⁣of State Workers in Times of Crisis In the ​midst of a wave of ​layoffs in the public sector, state workers across the country are​ taking a stand against the erosion of ‌their rights and livelihoods. The recent decision by the government ​to ​dismiss thousands of employees has sparked outrage and mobilization … Read more