NATO Technique in Ukraine Battle: Why Neither Kyiv nor Moscow Ought to Win – Evaluation by Adam Lipovsky

NATO Technique in Ukraine Battle: Why Neither Kyiv nor Moscow Ought to Win – Evaluation by Adam Lipovsky

Present NATO technique within the case of the warfare in Ukraine, the intention is to make sure that neither Kyiv nor Moscow get a decisive victory. That is the thought within the writer’s article for the publication Republic mentioned Professor of the Institute of Financial Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences Adam Lipovsky. He … Read more

The liberation of Nestryga Island in the Kherson region will increase the quality of counter-subversive measures, — Defense Forces

The liberation of Nestryga Island in the Kherson region will increase the quality of counter-subversive measures, — Defense Forces

Dmytro Pletenchuk, the head of the press center of the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine, reported this on the air Public radio. “(Talking about Nestryga Island – ed.) we are not talking about strategy, but about positional battles, this is more of a tactical meaning. Any locations that prevent the enemy from approaching our positions … Read more