Which Chinese beauty usurped the queen’s throne and had the audacity to commit adultery with a servant?

Which Chinese beauty usurped the queen’s throne and had the audacity to commit adultery with a servant?

This beauty’s name is Phung Nhuan, also known in history as Empress Phung, wife of Emperor Hieu Van of the Northern Wei Dynasty during the Northern and Southern Dynasties period. Queen Feng of the Northern Wei Dynasty was one of the queens who caused many scandals in Chinese feudal history. Win the throne with your … Read more

When did the only black empress in Chinese history live?

When did the only black empress in Chinese history live?

Ly Lang Dung, the wife of Emperor Jinwen Emperor Sima Yu (320-372), the 8th emperor of the Jin Dynasty (317-420), is considered the only black empress in Chinese history. According to historical records, Ly Lang Dung’s tall figure, strong black skin, and curly hair prove that she is not a Trung Nguyen. Illustration. She is … Read more