Miguel Ángel Muñoz, unfavorable to the return of ‘A step forward’: “Better to leave it as it is”

Related news In recent times, due to the nostalgic fever that is lived and that has rescued series such as Paco’s Men, The Boarding School, The Protected The Physics or chemistry, there have been many rumors that have arisen about the possible return of One Step Forward. In fact, even its own protagonists have played … Read more

the other hidden cameras of Telecinco with celebrities charging in black

Related news In Telecinco they have taken a liking to dusting off old hidden camera recordings, and more, if the protagonist of them is Kiko Rivera. Isabel Pantoja’s son was treacherously recorded in 2006 talking about his family, or charging against pink journalism professionals such as María Patiño. Some images that could be seen for … Read more

Omar Montes will debut as an actor in style with a series for Amazon Prime

Related news This Wednesday, February 9, The Hormiguero, presented by Nuria Roca, had as guests Omar Montes and Ana Mena, who came to present ‘Solo’, his new song, in which Maffio also participates. Thus, Montes and Mena return to work together after ‘Agua’, a song that exceeds ten million views on YouTube. With his current … Read more