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Tactical engine swaps Mercedes? Verstappen thinks grid penalties are too low

In Sao Paulo grip Mercedes already to the fifth internal combustion engine for Lewis Hamilton. According to Toto Wolff, the Mercedes copy wears out rather quickly, as a result of which the combustion engine loses power and drivers would have a sporting disadvantage. On the other hand, installing a new combustion engine provides a power boost that the competition must not answer. It is a trick that Mercedes can, in theory, pull every race weekend. Using a new combustion engine over and over, taking the five-place grid penalty and then rolling onto the field at a superior top speed.

It would all be according to the rules, although that option does raise eyebrows in the paddock. After all, using a new engine every race weekend does not fit with the sustainability ideals of Formula 1. And although the engines are not yet under the budget cap, such a tactic is also not in line with a more level financial playing field that the royal class would like to go to. It feels somewhat crooked for those reasons, but is not punishable more severely under the current rules. “Especially in a championship where the rest is a lot slower, that is of course something that has to be looked at”, Verstappen judges.

“The very first time you go over the limit of three bikes, you have to go back ten places. After that you only go back five places and I think that is a bit illogical,” he says to a question from Motorsport.com Netherlands know. “If you keep taking penalties all the time, then I also think those penalties should always remain the same. You go over the same limit all the time, that’s something to look at.” Even more so because Hamilton was able to make up for the five lost places in no time with an impressive top speed.”You could clearly see in Brazil that the rest of the teams didn’t stand a chance to do anything against us. [Red Bull en Mercedes], then such a penalty is of course not really heavy.”

Where Verstappen states that the rules must be looked at, there will certainly be no further action this season. The only remedy for Red Bull can therefore be to clap along and start using new combustion engines themselves. The team has that option in theory, but according to Verstappen it is not an option in practice. “We have enough parts for it, but it’s not necessary on our part and then of course I won’t do it.” All the more so because Mercedes can benefit enormously from a new combustion engine due to the high wear and tear, but Honda has already indicated that Verstappen cannot gain as much power with an ICE change.

Read more about Verstappen in Qatar:

F1 update: Verstappen sees true nature of Mercedes, FIA further postpones decision

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