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Synopsis of the film Battlefield 2042 About the Latest Game from Electronic Arts

Sinopsis FIlm Battlefield 2042. Photo: Ist / Net

Synopsis of the film Battlefield 2042 comes from the story of a game made by Electronic Arts. Film this is one of the best forms of depicting a game with a duration of 9 minutes. The original title of this film is Exodus.

The premiere of this film through the YouTube Channel. That way, many fans can watch this film. In less than 24 hours, it has already gotten 1.5 million views.

The film has been airing since August 12, 2021. The official account from Battlefield has released this short film in order to launch the latest PC game. Games that are included in the last gen console platform are also next gen.

Of course, in making films, embracing various well-known artists. One of them is Michael K. Williams who will play the main character. Additionally, the film will focus on the return of Kimble Irish from Battlefield 4.

Review of the Latest Battlefield 2042 Film Synopsis 2021

Actually this film is an interesting story of a new game that has not been released. The purpose of making this film is to provide an overview of the Battlefield game. This makes it easier for fans to be able to play it later.

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The synopsis of the film will bring Irish Graves from Battlefield 2042 to a new world. Irish used to be someone who worked as a marine. But over time, he was no longer working as a marine.

Now the Irish figure has become a stateless soldier. People refer to these jobs as N-Pats. This makes No-Pat have good relations with America and Russia.

The return of the Irish brought a considerable impact on the lives of the two countries. The reason is that the Irish are a faction from America and Russia with total resources and extraordinary wealth.

The synopsis of the film Battlefield 2042 shows the existence of a new power from No-Pat. Currently Irish has a new task to complete a mission. Please note that Irish is the fifth specialist to be present in Battlefield 2042.

Thus, the Irish were forced to be involved in a future civil war. The two countries of the United States and Russia are facing a confused state.

This is because they fight over resources. In fact, many surrounding countries have collapsed because of this case. So Russia and the United States are trying to defend their respective territories.

The Future of Non-Patriated

Synopsis of the film Battlefield 2042 shows the existence of Non Patriated or No Pat. They are trying to survive and maintain their power.

There is even a mysterious figure named Oz who is currently clashing with Ireland. The clash is in the name of the future of No-Pats. Given that No-Pats need a good support system for its glory.

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The story will continue to develop as specialists appear and join the war. They will enter into this quite complicated conflict.

Synopsis of the film Battlefield 20242 takes the background of a war that looks like a Hollywood movie. Fans will be blown away by how smooth it looks. Even the natural lighting system also shows a tense impression in battle.

Fans have high hopes that this film can represent their curiosity about the game. The presence of this film will also treat their disappointment because there is no campaign mode.

The reason is, fans have had enough pain when EA doesn’t provide this mode. But there is good news that EA will launch a free mode. This means that fans can play the game without having to pay.

Ten Specialists

The synopsis of the film Battlefield 2042 shows that there are 10 specialists in FPS games. However, to see such specialists takes a long time. The reason is, there is only one visible, namely Irish.

For other specialists you can get when playing the game. Fans will encounter the portal feature when getting the Battlefield game. This feature allows players to customize settings.

In addition, they can also change the map and weapons in the game. Some of the maps in the portal include El Alamein, Arica Harbor, and more.

The existence of this short film allows fans to see at a glance the appearance of the game with quality graphics. So the game will be more fun.

How is the full story from the synopsis of the film Battlefield 2042? Watch the film live on the official Battlefield YouTube Channel. (R10/HR-Online)

Editor: Ndu

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