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Symptoms of Covid-19 are not only cough, but also joint pain

Jakarta: Various symptoms when exposed to COVID-19 are not only coughing and shortness of breath, but also include joint pain. In the WHO’s official website, it is stated that each person has a different response to COVID-19.

Most people who are exposed to this virus will experience mild, moderate, to severe symptoms. Furthermore, WHO said the average symptom will appear 5-6 days after someone is first infected with this virus, but it can also be 14 days after being infected.

One of the most common causes of joint pain is arthritis (arthritis), both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Pain usually occurs in the hands, hips, and knees. While rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in the form of joints that gradually weaken, feel pain, and experience fluid buildup.

According to Darmawan, a health expert from PT Tradition for the Universe, joint pain is an indicator that the body is not right and can occur in teenagers to the elderly.

Joint pain is also an indication that the body has a viral infection, such as flu, cough, mumps, and hepatitis. Thus, symptoms of joint pain due to viral infection are very likely to occur.

(Joint pain is a condition where there is discomfort, pain or inflammation in any part of the joint. Photo: Illustration/Freepik.com)

Supplements that help health

You can take various steps to overcome this, for example by taking supplements that contain rhombifolia for joints.

“Sidaguri (Sida rhombifolia) is a herbaceous plant with yellow flowers and its roots can be used for joint pain medicine so that your body can avoid joint pain,” said Darmawan.

Not only that, Sida rhombifolia can also inhibit the production of the enzyme xanthine oxidase (XO), which is an important enzyme that plays a role in the synthesis of uric acid. Without XO, uric acid will not be formed and prevent gout attacks.

Gout is a type of arthritis characterized by severe pain, redness, and tenderness in the joints. Symptoms of gout include severe pain, redness, and swelling of the joint, usually the big toe. Attacks can come on suddenly, usually at night. During an acute attack, anti-inflammatory medication can help relieve pain and shorten the duration of the attack.

“By consuming Sida rhombifolia on a regular basis, it is proven to reduce aches in the back, legs, arms, shoulders and also treat muscle nerve pain so as to make the body lighter, lighter because blood circulation becomes smooth. This is in accordance with Konsend’s commitment to support and maintain the health of the Indonesian people through innovation of nutritional supplements for joints,” said Tole Sutrisno, Operational Director of PT Traditions for Semesta.

Konsend, a nutritional supplement for joints produced by PT Tradition For Semesta (TRUST) is a traditional medicinal herb with extracts of natural ingredients that can provide health benefits such as maintaining lower levels of excess uric acid, overcoming swelling and pain due to gout, rheumatism and as an anti-inflammatory. .

“In each capsule of Konsend, there are six natural plant extracts, such as Sida rhombifolia, Elephantopus, Zingiber officinale, Taraxacum officinale Syzygium Polyanthum and Orthosiphon Stamineus which are processed in a modern way and are very effective in helping to treat gout, rheumatism and arthritis,” explained Sutrisno.

Sutrisno added that Konsend has also received a certificate from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) so it is very safe for consumption.

“We always try to provide a sense of security for consumers for that PT TRUST as the sole producer of Konsend has been supported by experts and professional human resources who have competence in their fields,” concluded Sutrisno.


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