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Symptoms, causes and treatment (complete)

Lampung.co – Allergies can be experienced by anyone, regardless of age, from infants to the elderly. When allergies do occur, activities will surely be interrupted because they feel uncomfortable. Let’s find out more about the causes of allergies and how to deal with them easily.


An allergy is a reaction of the immune system to a certain harmless substance. Reaction pathology This will cause various symptoms depending on the cause. Especially in people who tend to have allergens. The body will make antibodies to deal with allergies that occur by releasing histamine.

Causes of allergy

There are many causes of allergies, some of which can come from foods such as seafood, eggs, milk, and nuts. It is necessary to evaluate if you have food allergies, especially in children.

Allergies can also come from animals such as fur or insects and bee bites. Not only that, the cause of allergies can also be experienced as a result of taking certain medications. Some conditions that cause allergies can also occur due to the chemical content of soap, shampoo, or perfume.

Allergy Symptoms

The most common allergy symptom seen after exposure is the appearance of a red rash on the skin accompanied by itching. You may also experience coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, or a runny nose.

Some of the more serious symptoms when allergies occur are swelling in parts of the body such as the mouth, face, tongue and throat. The eyes may also become red, itchy, and watery. Other symptoms that may occur you will experience nausea, vomiting, and even diarrhea.

How to Treat Allergies

Allergy treatment must be done correctly in order to heal quickly. Treatment requires a diagnosis from a doctor to get an accurate result. Some of the tests that can be performed according to the doctor’s diagnosis are as follows.

1. Paste test

A test carried out by placing a type of allergen on a tape which is then placed on the surface of the skin. This test is performed for two days, after which the reaction caused to the skin will be observed.

2. Skin test

The test is performed by dripping liquid allergens from foods, drugs, or poisons. After being dripped, it will be pierced slowly using a fine needle to observe the reaction caused. This allergy test is usually done on people whose symptoms are like diarrhea, so they find ways to treat allergies that are experienced appropriately.

3. Blood test

The way to treat allergies is often to do a blood test first. The goal is to find out the amount of IgE in the blood.

Allergy prevention

1. Avoid triggers

Once you know what can cause allergies to your body or family members, the way to prevent it is to avoid triggers. Make sure you have informed and reminded family members so they can support each other later.

2. Satisfy nutrition

Nutrition is an important part of maintenance Health and resistance. Good nutrition is also in line with a healthy lifestyle. So, try to eat healthy foods at home and cut back on various types of foods that don’t contain perfect nutrition.

3. Consumption of probiotics

How to prevent allergies can also be pursued by consuming probiotic foods or drinks. The presence of microorganisms such as Lactobacillus is very useful for preventing allergic infections, especially in children and is also very useful for maintaining digestion.

It is necessary to keep the house clean to avoid various risks of developing allergies from dust or other dirt, especially if you have pets. If you experience very troublesome allergy symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

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