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Switzerland: Children could cycle on sidewalks – Switzerland

Children may be allowed to cycle on sidewalks in the near future. The project must be set up “in all likelihood” during the year, says the Federal Roads Office, quoted by the German-language publications of Tamedia.

This permission aims to improve the safety of less experienced road users. The Federal Council has not yet taken a decision, but this change can be made by order, said a spokesman for Offrou, quoted in the newspapers. According to current government plans, the new rule will apply to children up to the age of twelve.

Currently, children can only ride on sidewalks with play bikes or bikes without pedals (balance bikes). With real bicycles, they can only use the sidewalk if it is explicitly approved and marked to secure the way to school.


The measure had already been proposed, but pedestrian organizations had strongly criticized it during a consultation which ended a year ago. They saw this as an increased danger for pedestrians and young children.

The Mobility Switzerland association also feared that parents would also roll on the sidewalks to accompany their children – despite the ban. Government parties and the Pro Velo association, on the other hand, supported the measure.

The Federal Department of Transport (DETEC) is also considering a package of other measures aimed at improving traffic flow and improving safety. In particular, it wants to allow cyclists to turn right at red lights, allow cars to overtake on the right on motorways and introduce an obligation to create a corridor for emergency vehicles in the event of an accident. (Ps / nxp)

Created: 04.01.2020, 08h04

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