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Swelling in this delicate part of the body could be a dangerous sign of a tumor as well

One of the most neglected parts of the body, yet among the most important, is that of the anus. The anus is the final part of the digestive tract and has the fundamental function of expelling feces and gas. Problems with the anus, such as abnormal swelling, redness, etc. not only can they create painful ailments but they could be a symptom of serious pathologies. In particular, it is necessary to pay close attention to swelling in the anal site because it could be the alarm bell of serious health problems.

The anus is the terminal part of the rectum. It can happen that this part of the body becomes inflamed or swollen. Along with the swelling, the person may feel itchy or painful, not just during the evacuation operation.

Swelling can be associated with several cause. In most cases there may be a problem with perianal abscess formation. A hemorrhoid problem could also be the cause of the swelling of the anus.

Swelling in this delicate part of the body could be a dangerous sign of a tumor as well

Anal abscess is a pus-infected cavity in the anus or rectum area. If the swelling in the anus is also associated with pus discharge and a little fever, we are probably in the presence of an anal abscess. If the swelling is associated with itching, pain, and bleeding, you probably have hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are veins that flow inside the anal canal. When these veins increase in volume for a variety of causes, they cause the problem of hemorrhoids.

However, anal swelling can also be a symptom of other pathologies such as warts. Condylomas are a venereal infection caused by the Human papilloma virus. Condyloma is visible to the naked eye because it manifests itself with fleshy growths not only on the anus but also on the genitals.

Crohn’s disease, which is a chronic inflammation of the intestine, could also manifest itself with swelling of the anus. Loss of blood mixed with stool and persistent diarrhea for several weeks may usually be associated with this disorder.

But the swelling in this delicate part of the body could be the alarm bell of even a more serious disease. In the worst case scenario, this problem could also be a symptom of colorectal cancer or just the anus. If a patient experiences anal swelling for several days, the first thing he should do is contact his doctor. The professional will identify the source of the anal swelling and will provide the patient with specific treatments.


Excessive consumption of this food would increase the risk of cancer in particular of the colorectal and prostate

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)—

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