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Sustainable improvement contains an important territorial dimension, argues Benali

The territorial dimension is an integral part of public sustainable improvement insurance policies which goal to ascertain social justice and scale back spatial disparities, stated the Minister of Vitality Transition and Sustainable Improvement, Leila Benali, on Thursday in Rabat.

Invited to talk at a convention on the theme “Vitality transition and sustainable improvement: new generations of public insurance policies in motion” held on the initiative of the École Nationale Supérieure de l’Administration (ENSA) , Ms. Benali indicated that the promotion of territorial improvement tailored to native specificities requires public insurance policies designed in keeping with a participatory and concerted strategy with all stakeholders on the central and regional ranges.

It’s on this spirit that the Nationwide Sustainable Improvement Technique 2035 is in line, which was developed on the idea of sectoral (thematic workshops) and territorial (Regional Conferences) consultations and a Citizen Session (Digital Platform: nousahimo.gov.ma ), she defined.

Citing the instance of the mining, transport and waste administration sector, the minister famous {that a} public coverage devoted to a metropolis will not be essentially appropriate for a small municipality, therefore the necessity to take taking into account the particularities of every territory so as to have the ability to present acceptable and environment friendly responses.

On this perspective, she famous, this assembly, which is a part of the sixth cycle of ministerial conferences celebrating the seventy fifth anniversary of ENSA beneath the signal “Reviving Reminiscence, Constructing the Future”, constitutes a positive alternative to match concepts, share greatest practices and spotlight concrete views for the nation.

This scientific assembly noticed the participation of an viewers of scholars, school members, in addition to quite a few Moroccan and overseas specialists and distinguished visitors.

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#Sustainable #improvement #contains #important #territorial #dimension #argues #Benali
– 2024-05-14 13:55:58

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