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Supporting Projects in Need of Financial Help: Insights from Jitka Boho

álně těžká ‌otázka, protože každý vztah je jiný. Ale myslím⁢ si, že klíčem je‌ komunikace, důvěra a‌ respekt k druhému. ⁣Musíte se⁣ navzájem podporovat a být schopni se vzájemně přizpůsobit. A samozřejmě je ⁢důležité najít si společné zájmy a trávit​ čas spolu.

Na⁣ závěr bych‍ se chtěla zeptat na‍ vaše plány do budoucna. Máte nějaké nové projekty, na kterých pracujete?
Momentálně ⁣se soustředím na mateřství a vychovávání svých dětí. ‍Ale samozřejmě se nechci vzdát své‌ kariéry. Ráda⁢ bych se vrátila ‍na jeviště a ⁤zpívala. Mám také několik ​nabídek na modelingové práce,‌ takže uvidíme, ‌co přinese budoucnost. Ale prozatím je pro mě nejdůležitější být dobrou matkou a věnovat ‌se svým⁤ dětem.

Děkuji vám za rozhovor ⁢a přeji​ hodně štěstí⁢ do⁤ budoucna.
Děkuji ⁣vám také a přeji ‍vám hezký‌ den.

Jitka Boho, well-known model and singer, recently spoke about⁢ her support for⁢ charitable‌ projects and the importance of culture in an‍ interview at the launch of‌ the Michaela Gemrotová Foundation. Boho expressed her enthusiasm for good causes and‌ the increasing number of projects that are receiving ‍financial ⁤support, thanks in part to social​ media.

When asked‌ about the state of the cultural⁣ sector after the challenging period of the pandemic,​ Boho⁤ admitted that she​ personally misses being involved in the arts. ⁢As a new ‍mother on maternity⁢ leave,⁢ she acknowledged that ⁢her ⁤perspective may ‍be different‌ from others, but she believes that‍ culture plays a vital role in society. She expressed ⁢her hope that she will be⁣ able ​to enjoy cultural activities more once her child grows⁢ up.

Boho ⁤also shared ⁣her experience of​ getting back ‍into shape after pregnancy. She admitted that the process​ was challenging but⁣ emphasized ‌the importance of not putting too much pressure ​on⁢ oneself. She believes ⁤that the ⁢most important thing ​is the health and‌ well-being⁢ of⁤ her ‍children, ​and ⁤she is willing to prioritize their needs over her own.

The ‍interview also touched on⁢ Boho’s ⁢views on⁣ relationships and communication. She emphasized the importance of respect,⁣ giving each other space, and being​ willing to compromise. She acknowledged that these aspects can⁢ be challenging​ but believes that with ⁣time and ⁣age, ‌one‍ learns to let go of certain things and ‍prioritize⁤ what is truly important.

As a public figure, ‍Boho has faced criticism and negativity ​on social media. However, she revealed that she chooses not to read negative comments ⁢and messages. While she acknowledges that some people may send ⁣her such content, she prefers​ not to engage with ⁤it. She⁤ respects others’ opinions but does ​not let anonymous profiles⁣ affect her. She has learned ‍to handle the toxicity of social media ‌and focus ​on the positive aspects of her life.

In‍ terms of her personal life, Boho is ‍in a relationship with Tomáš Hřebík, a ⁤councilor for urban development in ​Prague 8. When asked about ⁢the key to a happy and⁢ functioning relationship, ‍Boho admitted ⁣that it ​is a difficult question to answer ⁤quickly.​ However, she believes
detail​ photograph

How has the pandemic impacted​ the cultural‍ sector in the country?

Ctor in ⁢the country, Boho acknowledged the challenges but remained hopeful. “The cultural⁣ sector has⁣ been heavily impacted by the pandemic, but I believe in the resilience of ‍the arts and the ‌power ⁢of creativity. It ⁢is important that we continue to support artists and cultural initiatives, even in difficult times.”

Boho also emphasized the importance of ​communication and empathy in relationships. “Every relationship⁢ is different,⁤ but I believe⁣ that the key is communication, trust, and ⁢respect ⁢for each other. You⁢ must support each other and be willing to⁣ adapt.‌ And of course, it is important to find common interests and‌ spend time ​together.”

When asked​ about her​ plans for the future, Boho shared⁤ her focus on motherhood and raising⁢ her children. “Right now, I am focused ⁤on motherhood⁤ and ⁢raising my children. But I do not want to ⁣give up my ​career. I would love to return to the stage and ⁣sing. I also have several modeling offers, so we will see what the future brings. But for now, being a good mother⁤ and dedicating‍ myself to my children is the most‍ important thing to me.”

In‌ conclusion, Boho expressed ⁣her gratitude ⁤for the interview and wished everyone luck‌ in the future.​ “Thank​ you for the interview and I⁢ wish you the best of luck in​ the ⁢future.”

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