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Super protein vegetable, making a “fortune and auspicious” dish, both nutritious and anti-boring during Tet

Furthermore, this vegetable also has the meaning of good luck and fortune, and is both delicious and nutritious: shiitake mushrooms.

Lunar New Year with many dishes rich in fat and protein. If you want to add more vegetables to your menu, shiitake mushrooms are the top choice for you.

This vegetable combined with beef is a dish that is “auspicious, prosperous, and very good for health.”

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This vegetable combined with beef is a dish that is “auspicious, prosperous, and very good for health.”

Fresh shiitake mushrooms are white vegetables, thick meat, delicious, rich, and contain lots of protein, fiber, minerals and other nutrients, so they are known as the “king of protein”.

Beef is also very rich in protein, combined with mushrooms to create the perfect dish. You can try it.

Food: Steamed beef with mushrooms

Ingredient: Beef, shiitake mushrooms, cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sesame oil, onions, green onions, salt.

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Super protein vegetable, made into a dish


– Pour the mushrooms into water, sprinkle the appropriate amount of salt, stir well with chopsticks and soak for 5 minutes to make them cleaner. Mushrooms have long stalks that can be easily broken with your hands. Finally, change the water several times until the mushrooms are clean.

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Super protein vegetable, made into a dish

– Remove white veins from beef, cut into small pieces and mince. Minced meat by hand will taste better than minced meat by machine, so you should be a little patient.

Put the beef filling in a bowl, pour a small spoonful of cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, then add a little light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sesame oil, salt and chopped green onions and mix well with chopsticks.

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Super protein vegetable, made into a dish

– Next, use chopsticks to pick up a sufficient amount of beef and add it to the mushrooms. Just enough meat filling, because the beef will deflate when steamed, the beef-filled mushrooms will be neatly arranged on the plate.

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Super protein vegetable, made into a dish

– Put the dish in the pot, boil over high heat and continue to steam for 10 minutes until cooked. A lot of water will evaporate in the dish, do not throw it away.

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Super protein vegetable, made into a dish

– Pour excess water from the mushroom steaming plate into the pot and boil. Sprinkle a few green onion leaves into the soup pot, bring to a boil, then pour over the mushrooms again. This not only adds flavor but also makes the dish more beautiful.

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Super protein vegetable, made into a dish

Steamed beef with mushrooms is mouthwateringly delicious, soft, sweet, suitable for all ages, delicious without being greasy, nutritious without the fear of fat.

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Super protein vegetable, made into a dish

Tips for making steamed beef with mushrooms:

– The tendons inside the beef must be removed to make the meat more tender and delicious. At the same time, beef must be washed many times to remove the blood inside so it doesn’t have a fishy smell.

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Super protein vegetable, made into a dish

Wishing you success when processing this nutritious vegetable!

– If you like spicy food, you can add a little chili pepper or chili oil to enhance the taste.

Wishing you success when processing this nutritious vegetable!

(Theo SH)

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