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Sunbathing every day helps synthesize vitamin D and creates wellness

Montserrat Martinez

Malaga, Apr 13 (EFE) .- Sunbathing every day for between five and fifteen minutes during confinement not only improves our mood and generates a feeling of well-being, but also ultraviolet radiation is absolutely necessary for our body to synthesize vitamin D.

The director of the Dermatology area of ​​the Costa del Sol Magdalena de Troya Hospital has explained to Efe that vitamin D has a key role in osteocalcium metabolism and the proper mineralization of our bones depends on it.

People who live in a confined state or in poorly sunny countries have a higher risk of developing a vitamin D deficiency and, in these cases, it is advisable to increase their intake through food or dietary supplements.

Among foods, the fatty acids in fish represent the richest source of cholecalciferol, with salmon being the main source; eggs, butter, liver and other organ meats too, but you have to take care of their consumption because of their high cholesterol content.

The doctor explained that there are different chronic diseases that have been directly linked to vitamin D deficiency, especially type 1 diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, prostate cancer, breast cancer. , ovarian and colon cancer, hypertension and metabolic bone disease.

The main effects of vitamin D deficiency occur in bone; In children, it causes a picture of rickets with delayed growth and deformities in long bones, and in adults, it is a cause of osteomalacia characterized by lower bone density and increased risk of fracture.

The doctor advises sunbathing, in addition to eating a healthy and balanced diet, practicing a little sport and doing meditation exercises.

If we are prudent we can expose ourselves directly to the sun without experiencing risk from a window or a balcony, although the doctor warns that babies, people with clear and sensitive skin or those who have presented any sign of sun damage should not be exposed directly.

It is usually enough to expose the face and arms, although in any case, it is convenient to rotate the exposed areas, since chronic sun damage causes premature aging of the skin, leading to the appearance of spots and wrinkles, in addition to various forms of skin cancer.

De Troya recognizes that it is a limitation to have only one window since the surface is small and because the skin of the face is the one that accumulates the most sun damage throughout life, so it is not convenient to overexpose it to radiation.

Solar radiation is essential to maintain a good state of physical and mental health, it has an antidepressant effect, improves sexual function, the quality of sleep and reduces stress and anxiety.

Although it is important to expose yourself early or late in the day, when the sun is lowest on the horizon.

In autumn and winter you can sunbathe at any time and recharge your vitamin D, serotonin and endorphin deposits without fear, but in spring and summer you have to reduce the hours and abstain between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.

People who cannot at the recommended hours are advised to control the exposure time and De Troya recalled that there are mobile applications with geolocation systems, which calculate the recommended time of sun exposure, according to the type of skin.

He has recalled the use of sun creams for healthy sun exposure, especially for people with more vulnerable skin, such as children, people with very light skin, or those with skin that is badly damaged by the sun. EFE

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