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Strong! The challenger met the champion! How did Jiří Procházka from Glover feel?

So we finally had it. We have a fight week here before the UFC 275 tournament, where Jiří Procházka will fight for the title with the semi-heavyweight champion Glover Teixeira. The two fighters had the opportunity to meet briefly after Teixeira defeated Jan Blachowicz and became champion, but this was at a time when there was only talk and speculation about the mutual battle. Now the two fighters have met again, with the title battle waiting for them on Saturday night to Sunday. How did George feel about his opponent and what did he read from a simple handshake, for example?

At what time will Jiří Procházka fight for the title of UFC champion?

“I feel like experience from Glover. Just by shaking his hand, I feel that he will be strong and that he is such as to say, well, that he will definitely want to push. He will want to push. Maybe it will push a lot of strength. However, this is a similar approach in my cards to push and keep the pressure. We’ll see. It does not matter. I’m ready, it’s nothing now, “ Jiří Procházka explained for MMA Shorties how he felt the impression of champion Glover after the face-to-face meeting.

Glover is an experienced fighter who has a total on his account 40 matches with 33 winning and only 7 lost. The last loss dates back to the middle of 2018, when Corey Anderson, who now works in Bellator, scored points, where he fought his way to the finals of the pyramid of semi-heavy weights.

Of course, the nickname was resolved again, which Jiří had already changed from Denisa to BJP before the fight with Reyes, but he was still declared Denisa in the fight. However, this should not happen again, “A UFC employee asked me for a nickname, so I told BJP. She asked what it meant, so I say the best Jiří Procházka. ” Jiří thus handled the English translation deftly. Of course, domestic fans are well aware that the acronym stands for the mantra of the Jak Piča Bomb, which Jiří has ​​faithfully adhered to throughout his career.

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