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Striking: Bill Gates went on vacation with his ex every year …

After 27 years of marriage, Bill and Melinda Gates end their relationship. This will make Melinda the billionaire’s most famous ex. Few still remember Ann Winblad, the woman Bill had a relationship with in the 1980s. However, Ann and Bill still went on vacation together every year during his marriage to Melinda.

During the marriage of Bill and Melinda Gates, which lasted 27 years, the former Microsoft CEO had a very special relationship with his ex-girlfriend. Between 1984 and 1987, Gates was in a relationship with Ann Winblad, and they have remained good friends ever since. So good, in fact, that the two went to Ann’s beach house together for a weekend every year, with Melinda’s permission.

Ann Winblad.

Foto: Fred Prouser

Bill Gates met software expert and venture capitalist Ann Winblad through an online conference. Their shared love of science got them talking, but the distance – she’s originally from Minnesota, while he lived over 2,000 miles away in Seattle – their first dates took place virtually. After their breakup in 1987, they kept in touch, and that same year Bill met his now almost ex-wife. He is said to have even asked Ann’s permission before proposing to Melinda. Importantly, Melinda agreed that the former couple would continue their annual vacation, a tradition that continues nearly three decades later.

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