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Strengthening the Party’s monitoring work for the early detection of violations

In 2021, inspections were launched at 3,005 Party organizations, targeting 8,982 Party members. Violations were then discovered in 1,575 Party organizations and 6,695 Party members. Result: 194 Party organizations and 3,465 Party members were sanctioned. In the first quarter of 2022, Party Control Commissions at the central and local levels carried out inspections against 297 Party organizations and 921 Party members, said Trân Câm Tu, chairman of the Central Committee Control Commission. of the Party, adding that the inspection contents relate to violations of Party principles and regulations and state laws in the management and use of finances, public property, land and mineral resources and the purchase medical equipment and supplies for the prevention and control of COVID-19; and the stock market.

Result: about thirty Party organizations and 1,953 Party members were sanctioned. The Party Secretariat disciplined 3 Party organizations and 9 Party members while the Party Central Committee Control Commission disciplined 5 Party organizations and 21 Party members. Many cases are of particular interest to the public. Through the inspections, the Party Central Committee’s Control Commission made timely findings, clarified the violations and shortcomings, serving as a basis for addressing the root cause of the violations, Trân Câm Tu said.

At a meeting of the Permanence of the Central Steering Committee for the Prevention and Fight against Corruption and Negative Phenomena, Party Secretary General Nguyên Phu Trong said that the reality of the work of fighting corruption and negative phenomena had made it possible to draw experiences in terms of theory and practice. These are good experiences, in accordance with Party principles and disciplines: first Party discipline, then administrative discipline and penal treatment; also of a new discovery, of an appropriate policy giving good results to be applied throughout the country, underlined the leader of the Party.

Chairman of the Party Central Committee Control Commission, Trân Câm Tu, stressed the need to continue to strengthen the inspection, supervision and discipline of the Party in the coming times, including controls related to signs of violations, focusing on areas, locations and workstations capable of causing corruption and negativity.


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