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Stranded Indians are allowed to go home, planes from Spain are no longer welcome

Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez has defended the declaration of a state of emergency in his country. “The worst predictions have been fulfilled,” he said in a long speech from his government palace. “Our medical care is going through the serious crisis of the past hundred years. We were not prepared for this.”

Several countries have adopted a different strategy to combat the coronavirus. For example, the Netherlands is trying to curb the virus with milder measures and to achieve group immunity. But according to Sánchez, that strategy is unsustainable. “Countries were forced to change this decision because it does not work in practice.”

Spain is the most affected country in the world after China and Italy. In the past 24 hours, 4946 corona infections were added in Spain. The total is now 24,926. The number of deaths rose by more than 300 to 1326.

“Those who call this the worst situation since World War II are right. We have never experienced such a difficult situation,” said Sanchez. “We’re all being put to the test. When this is over, we’ll see that we got over this. We managed to win this battle.”

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