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Storm Gerrit Causes Chaos in Scotland with Heavy Snow and Flooding

Code yellow was in effect in a large part of Scotland yesterday due to bad weather. British people had already been warned about the storm named after ‘our’ Gerrit. Much of Scotland was covered in snow.


According to the snowfall, the BBC for major delays on the A9 motorway in the north of the country. It remained closed for hours.

Motorists had to brave the cold in their cars until snowplows passed by. Only then did the road open again, although driving still had to be done ‘with caution’.

Heavy rain caused flooding in other places in the country. The strong wind that Gerrit brought with him also caused problems.

At Heathrow airport near London, planes had problems landing due to heavy gusts of wind.

In the north of Scotland, 16,000 households were still without power late last night, according to the BBC. Public transport problems may also continue until this morning due to the aftermath of the storm.

KNMI does not warn

In the Netherlands we are hardly affected by storm Gerrit, but tomorrow there is a chance of wind gusts of up to 100 kilometers per hour on the Wadden Islands.

“The KNMI will not warn about this, the wind is not strong enough for us,” said meteorologist Thijs Smink of Buienradar earlier.

Joint list of names

The fact that a Dutch name of a former weatherman was used for a storm in Scotland is because Ireland, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands use a joint list for storm names. As a tribute, the departing NOS weatherman was promised a storm this summer.

“It is of course funny to see the British playing around with that name,” said Smink. On X, the ex-weatherman himself also responded to the mention: ‘Nice!’

Watch some more images of the storm in British media and from residents of Scotland below:

2023-12-27 23:36:23
#Scotland #struggling #storm #Gerrit #snow #flooding

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