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StoreDot: XFC technology continues to advance

StoreDot’s technology roadmap, dubbed “100inX,” recently revealed plans to develop batteries that can provide a range of 100 miles (160 km) with a charge of just two minutes. On the way there, another important milestone has now been reached. The Israeli start-up was the first company in the world to test silicon dominance cells for more than 1000 cycles.

Using a specially designed test form factor, StoreDot has now performed more than 1200 cycles with cells charged to 80% in 15 minutes and then discharged for an hour. These results were achieved with an energy density of 300Wh/kg and 680Wh/l under real conditions at room temperature and without additional pressure. Building on this milestone, it is now beginning development of B-samples in larger form factors, to be shipped to global automakers later this year for testing in future EVs.

“Not only is this a testament to the skills and dedication of the world-leading StoreDot team, but it also validates our roadmap to deliver ‘100in5’ cells to global automakers within two years and develop batteries that enhance driver experience of electric vehicles will change by eliminating their charging and range fears”said Yaron Fein, StoreDot Vice President R&D, on the start-up’s progress.

news.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/StoreDot-hits-target-of-1200-XFC-cycles.jpg.webp 1280w, https://www.elektroauto-news.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/StoreDot-hits-target-of-1200-XFC-cycles-350x242.jpg.webp 350w, https://www.elektroauto-news.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/StoreDot-hits-target-of-1200-XFC-cycles-1024x709.jpg.webp 1024w" srcset="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%201280%20886'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px"/>

To explain why such tests are relevant, when a lithium battery is charged and discharged once it is called a cycle and the capacity of the lithium battery decreases as the number of cycles increases. Battery life is measured in cycles, with an industry standard of cycles to 80% capacity often used as a benchmark. StoreDot ranks the results of its own tests as follows: “The development of cells that can be charged for 1,200 cycles while maintaining the industry standard is therefore an enormously important achievement.”

StoreDot’s Extreme Fast Charge Cells will be available in both pouch and 4680 form factors – the formats increasingly favored by the majority of global automakers. By 2024, they want to be able to charge a range equivalent to 160 km in five minutes. In parallel, the company says it is already at an advanced stage of developing solid-state technologies that will improve batteries by a further 40% within four years and enable a charging time of 160 km in just 3 minutes, making them ready for mass production by 2028.

Source: StoreDot – press release

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