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Stefan Ilsanker’s conscious decision for Adi Hütters Eintracht

After the final whistle of the sixteenth final first leg, there was a family reunion.

In the catacombs of the Commerzbank-Arena, Stefan Ilsanker and Papa Herbert faced each other – on the one hand the 4: 1 winners with Eintracht Frankfurt, on the other the 1: 4 losers with RB Salzburg.

“Of course I’m happy to see him. He can do without pity today,” said son Stefan. There was discussion and probably also talked about how Frankfurt could play the red-white-red representative on the wall in this way.

Stefan Ilsanker explains the reasons for this: “It was commitment, will, heart and that for over 90 minutes. We reflected what an incredible atmosphere the fans delivered on the pitch and tore ourselves apart for Eintracht.”

The “us” refers to the new team of the defensive player. Because only three weeks ago, the ÖFB team player moved from RB Leipzig to Frankfurt – and was able to inspire everyone there immediately.

New club, but no time to get used to it

Ilsanker came – and played right away. 45 minutes against Düsseldorf, then 90 minutes against Augsburg, Dortmund and 86 against his former club.

The defensive all-rounder has arrived at Eintracht. Upon request from LAOLA1 After the match, Ilsanker tells how he was accepted by his new employer.

“The boys welcomed me incredibly well, also the environment, the supervisors. It is a very positive association at all. I am happy that I am here, have fun at work and look forward to the next tasks.”

Ilsanker has a good reputation. At Leipzig, the time had come to search for distance after four and a half years, because in the end coach Julian Nagelsmann only had enough for irregular missions.

“Hütter has very clear ideas where I can fit in”

A well thought-out decision, probably also with a view to EURO 2020, where Ilsanker with more playing experience could also get more chances of appearing in red-white-red.

It is no coincidence that he meets an old friend with Adi Hütter. It was a conscious decision by Hallein – he knows what the coach expects and, conversely, Hütter knows what he will get.

“Sure, I’ve already trained and played under Adi. So I know that he has very clear ideas about where I can fit in. That was of course an important reason why I went here,” Ilsanker describes the reasons for his transfer.

Against Salzburg it was clear to see that the son of an ex-goalkeeper is blooming again near Frankfurt. So far, he has been used in defensive midfield, but this time he was used in the back four – and he solved the role with flying colors.

“Thrown us into every duel as if it were the last”

Ilsanker sprinted, shone with a strong duel game and also infected his teammates, who all made a team effort possible.

“We threw ourselves into each duel as if it were the last one. Dementation could not be held against Salzburg so much. They were a bit impressed by the atmosphere, our aggressiveness and the quick game forward. They were surprised that we were like that came like a raid, “the newcomer is convinced.

Nevertheless, only 90 minutes were played, the sold-out Bullen-Arena in Salzburg is about the promotion to the round of 16. Frankfurt will need another top performance to take Salzburg away from its own strengths.

But Ilsanker warns: “Of course, I know that Salzburg is incredibly strong and difficult to play at home. They will try to show a different face. But again, just like this time, we will do everything we can to make it ascend.”

In the stadium where he once imposed himself on higher, international tasks, due to his professional attitude. Ilsanker rules out that the clear first-leg result could be dangerous in terms of focus: “I don’t find it complicated at all. We’ll give it everything. Better a 4: 1 than a 1: 1.”

Text source: © LAOLA1.at

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